CF P.U.G.G. update

Okay so as all of you know that keep up with my movements i made a pugg.
Well as of now we are running at a good pace we have had many people and
many faces in the pugg vent , and at this point in time i decided i was going
to launch a CF Official Pugg Tournament sometime in the next few weeks at
the moment our website [] is up and running but not complete you
can still stop by and check it out [web designer - Mikey"brisinger"] he does
great work and i am also waiting for [ad designer - itwasluck] to make a
video advertisement for our pugg and hopefully this will bring more people
to the krzy's pugg ventrilo and i am also in the process of finding someone
to make me a website where we can host league brackets of the pugg'ing
teams that compete in the tournament so keep a lookout for more updates.

meanwhile come and pugg have fun or just talk to other cf players :]. port = 4267 pass = noob


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