Crossfire alive right ?

I saw alot of people saying CF na is dead.. is that True ?!?!
is that why they made that 10k Event ?
and what matters is i love CF so should i download it back and dedicate to it ? or Switch to Cf Cn ?


  • Its not dead at all. We have events all the time, an eSports section with tournaments in the works, and much more. Come back and give it a shot and make your own decision.
  • I don't know, I was just like..
    "Hey, why not play some CF? I miss that game."

    So I spend 20 min trying to search for or start a HMX (emd vault) or Mutant Knight (mysterious islands) game.
    Finally someone joins my game and presses ready.
    Starts game.
    Black screen.
    Gets sent back to lobby.
    Finally makes another game and starts it.
    Get's kicked for killing havoc.
    "F11 for fun"
    I don't get what's so fun about getting kicked from a game for a stupid reason and having your time wasted but okay.
    Try searching for another one.
    Screw it.. I'll just play this S&D knife match.
    Starts game.
    Crossfire just instantly closes by itself.
    Okay so within the 1 hr of all of this bs I probably spent 10 min in game before getting kicked for a stupid reason without earning any exp or gp or completing any missions.
    Yeah I'm done..
  • No right now it's hit a new record for being dead. It was never like this but now theres less than quarter of the channel bar in NA1 and only 1 full one.

    Reason of this is for several reasons, bugs, lack of good events, hackers, and more. NA clan server is empty.
  • Good events.
    New ugly ranks nobody love it but z8 love it.
    all coupon slots became temporary but 100 coupon still perm with bug guns.
    New clan have to see it!
    New MOD with 20 POSTs
    Shovel RD became permanent instead of 2 years.