Rank up

Hello guys

I am new to the game and recently been putting a lot of time playing the game, but it seems like ranking up takes a long time, any idea on things that give xp boost? someone told me buying VIP weapon would be good if I want to have a big xp boost is this true?

thanks guys

P.S. move this thread if I am not on the correct one sorry


  • Honestly, rank does not really mean much after staff sergeant where you unlock access to the remaining item shop weapons.

    Anyway, vip items do indeed provide larger exp boosts. They can give either 120% or 200% bonus exp to the owner and an extra 20% or 30% to all players in the entire room, including the vip owner as well. This basically means each vip item can provide up to 230% extra exp to the owner.

    There's also a 50% exp card you can purchase with ZP in the item shop. You can also piece together accessories from zombie mode games, each giving 10% or more exp per piece equipped as well as providing a small bonus when you have accumulated a set. There are also gp accessories you can purchase in the item shop that gives 10% or more as well.