How to use the m700

How to Use the m700
by: gov.Cake

Using the m700 is an art. Not everyone can do it, and sadly noobs have to endure the low damage while using it.
There are three key things and strategies for using this sniper. People think it is five but they rule under these main three.

1) The m700 is a low damage sniper!! Once you get that through your head,
your good to go. Don't always take the first shot. Why? Because you aren't
stopping the opponent. A sniper uses a high power rifle for long range,
meaning they hold back the enemies. You can't kill someone with lil Johnny's
pellet gun, right?

2) Since the m700 is low damage sniper, try and headshot. This is extremely
hard, and most people still have problems with it. Small tips like pre-aiming
and headshot only mode can help. Flicks and dragshots will get you most of
your kills, you may not ever have a slow opponent.

3) This weapon allows quick movement! This is huge for snipers! Other guns
like the awm or barret are slow. The m700 will help almost at running level
get you from place to place. This gun is strategic for taking sites, or claiming

Now, what three key elements have we learned? The m700 is a low damage sniper, headshotting is key, and you can
move faster than any sniper! For any questions about this post please contact me on my in game name: gov.Cake
