Solution to room voting please read!

Well as you all know the kick voting system in place currently is not up to slack. And many people are getting kicked for no reason at all, or simply because they are good. I understand it will help get hackers out. But think logically if we let the hackers stay in the room and play the whole game we can then send a replay to a GM and report them and make sure they are delt with long term and not short term.

Well my idea is to weild all the power of kicking players out to the room host. This already will keep safe more of the innocent players getting kicked yet allowing the hackers to get kicked if required. And if the room host is not using his power correctly all room players should have the power to start a vote to strip him of his powers and it should be handed down to another player.

There are tons of benefits from this e.g. less whinning, more effective at its job and well balanced to keep it stable. Im sure you can think of much more but this is a quick summary and no doubt what so ever this will always be 1000% better than the current voting system in place. Please leave your contructive comments in the sections below.

Thanks iLyk2Kill--
