Patch Notes - July 21st, 2015


Attention Mercs,

The summer sun shines away and bestows its heat among us. Whether your riding a motor-bike through the desert or enjoying the ocean breeze on a ship you're probably feeling the suns rays. However, even in these climates your probably also feeling the sting of enemy fire. Well our master weapon-smiths have come up with some new toys for you all that can let you return that fire back to your enemies.

[New Weapons]

Golden Summer Crate - Limited Time Availability
M200 Cheytac-Ultimate Gold
The M200 Cheytac is well known for it's anti-sniper capabilities. This variant has been outfitted with a high quality and highly polished gold skin and has been modified to have a lighter weight.

Dual Colt-Ultimate Goldsmith
A pair of twin Colt M1911s. This pistol pair has been made out of a high quality gold alloy. They have been tuned to output increased power, perfect for unleashing hell on your opponents.

IAS-Ultimate Gold
A pair of daggers designed off of the weapons of a mythical assassin. These weapons have been made out of gold to make them an extra valuable rarity.

[Upcoming Events]

*** Patch Notes ***

* Added *
- Added Golden Summer crates to Black Market
- M200 Cheytac-Ultimate Gold
- Dual Colt-Ultimate Goldsmith
- IAS-Ultimate Gold

* Fixed *
- Fixed a bug where it was possible to merge with some parts of the geometry in the map Ceyhan
- Fixed a bug where the rank restrictions were not displaying properly at server select


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