Ideas to stop hacking/ Vote Kick Abuse

I think that z8games should follow in the steps of other games and ban ALL brazilian players from Crossfire, I am 100% sure that hacking will be reduced significantly.

Another thing which I would like for z8games to work on is the Vote Kick System. There has to be a way to stop all the abuse that new/naive players do on the Vote Kick. I am TIRED of going into a room getting a few kills and then getting kicked from the room. It is unfair for the good players to get kicked from games when they are obviously not hacking. This whole week I've been playing GM for one hour to get those free crates. Now, I suck at knifing people so I am forced to play on GR and I've become pretty good. Around 4 out of 5 rooms that I enter i get kicked from and it really bothers me because I dont hack. I get called a hacker almost every match with "noob" players. I know I'm not the only one who goes through this on a daily basis.

Thank You for your time,

