Question about tournament

I newer buy Zp so i can't join to torunament but so i wona ask one qouestion about tounrament

Question is: if i wona Sign in for Tournament do i need make a team or crossfire team gona make your team.

P.S. Sorry becaus wrong words imn from croatia and i dosn't know speak English very vell


  • The standard so far that has been set has been aprox 1000 ZP per player for tournament registration.

    This number may change for future tournaments.

    Also, tournaments are generally clan based. So you will need to be a part of a clan, or lead a clan.

    The general size of the teams that has been set as a standard is 5 v 5 (with subs incase players leave). For example, your clan needs a minimum of 7 players to play in the August Assault. However this number may change in the future.

    Registration for the current tournament is closed, however each new tournament we are improving on the service and the results and we hope to have a very smooth and clean system for running tournaments often in the future!