iconik™ is Recruiting

41-92-154.png iConik™

iConik Requirements

If you are interested in joining our clan first you must ensure that your account meets the required standards listed below.

[-] 1.10+ k/d to apply
[-] Must have this ribbon ribbon23.jpg
[-] Active
[-] Good English
[-] Must know when to play serious and when to have fun
[-] Be fully Legit
[-] Must be SFC rank
Before you apply

[-] Read and agree to follow the rules
[-] Copy and fill out the application form
[-] be sure you want to be here

Any further questions feel free to message any LT+ either ingame or on our TeamSpeak server.

iConik rules

[-] Must have Teamspeak 3
[-] Be respectful to members
[-] No Cw without an LT or leader
[-] Speak English
[-] No hacking,glitching or farming.
[-] Most importantly have fun

Before you apply
[-] Read and agree to follow the rules
[-] Copy and fill out the application form
[-] be sure you want to be here

iConik Application

[-]UK Server Ping?

Blank applications will be ignored

btApply.jpg You know what to do.
