Looking for people to help with Stream.

So I've seen a few videos and streams of CF Competition.


Why can't people get quality right?

-Casters with **** microphones
-Streams in Low-Res
-No HD videos.. (Or they have render errors/editing faults)
-No actual professional setups.

I'm looking to start my own stream channel that casts competition.

We'd need:
-Someone to stream High Quality 1080p (1920x1080res)
-A Co-Caster
-Graphic Artists for Logo/Stream Layouts/Youtube Annotation Pages, and or Intros.
-People to help schedule.
-Anyone who'd like to contribute anything.. Name Ideas, Editors, etc.

Personally I can Cast, Edit, Record, and Play.

I can't stream at the HIGHEST quality... My internet is 25mbps down and 5 up.

So requirements for the streaming are this:
-Internet with VERY VERY High Upload speed.
-Able to play the game at 1920x1080, Hi-Res, etc.

I don't want any kids, or any one CLEARLY not qualified for this ****.

