What sniper is the best?



  • BriRon wrote: »
    So, tell me. Can you do a Bhopping Quick-scope? No?
    Tell me more about how you don't need skills.
    Actually, yes, I can. Only thing difficult about that is finding the right rhythm for the bunny hop. The quick-scoping itself is nothing more than pressing the Q button twice during firing.

    Now, can you bunny hop drag scope and aim at someone's head at the same time, using a PSG-1 RD? No?

    Tell me more about how AWMers have more skill.
  • i have and love the awm, but i still want r93 a lot =/
  • I like the R93 for some odd reason.

    It comes down to your personal preference though. In the hands of some players, even M700 becomes an "overpowered" weapon.
  • iPhoenixi wrote: »
    I like the R93 for some odd reason.

    It comes down to your personal preference though. In the hands of some players, even M700 becomes an "overpowered" weapon.
    Depending on the type of game you play, the R93 T2 overshadows the AWM. For example, if you are playing S&D, where more ammo isn't necessary, you are better off with the faster R93 T2. But in TDM, were every bullet counts, you'll do better with a upgraded AWM.
  • i love my fr f2 an dsr imo those are my favorites but still love the awm
  • R93 is by far the best sniper imo, followed by the FR F2. It's like a m700 that is 1 hit, and has less ammo. I rly hope there will be a reskin with more ammo.

    m700 is never a one hit unless its a hs or ur hacking. DSR is my choice hands down fast shots down range but slow reload
  • m700 is never a one hit unless its a hs or ur hacking. DSR is my choice hands down fast shots down range but slow reload

    Where did I say that m700 is a 1 hit? I said that the R93 is just a m700 that is a 1 hit kill to the body/arms. Means: R93 is as fast as the m700, and it's as easy to qs with it, but it has less ammo and it's a 1 hit kill.
  • Frecklez wrote: »
    Actually, yes, I can. Only thing difficult about that is finding the right rhythm for the bunny hop. The quick-scoping itself is nothing more than pressing the Q button twice during firing.

    Now, can you bunny hop drag scope and aim at someone's head at the same time, using a PSG-1 RD? No?

    Tell me more about how AWMers have more skill.

    1) You said that using the Awm did not need Skill. Doing that (Above) is obviously skill. Important word: Difficult.

    Inherently means: Needs Skill.

    2) At no point did I mention I had ANY skill at all. Just treat me like a PoS at sniping.
    If you can do (above again), then you can do it with a Psg. Ergo, the same skill is needed. Therefore, you can not say that Awm does not need skill or Psg-1 needs More skill.
  • BriRon wrote: »
    1) You said that using the Awm did not need Skill. Doing that (Above) is obviously skill. Important word: Difficult.

    Inherently means: Needs Skill.

    2) At no point did I mention I had ANY skill at all. Just treat me like a PoS at sniping.
    If you can do (above again), then you can do it with a Psg. Ergo, the same skill is needed. Therefore, you can not say that Awm does not need skill or Psg-1 needs More skill.
    Correct, and it still doesn't. Bunny hopping and quick-scoping with an AWM are 2 separate actions done at the same time. And the only 1 of the 2 actions that actually requires skill, is the bunny hopping.

    And since you don't require to aim with a portable cannon like the AWM to kill, but just hit a target somewhere on the upper body area, it indeed takes more skill to use the PSG-1 in the same situation. For the PSG-1 is not a portable cannon, and only does 100 HP damage to the head, and therefore you have to add in a 3rd action called "AIMING" to pull of the same 1-shot-kill.

    Still confused about what skill is?
  • People are screaming awm awm!! Your comparing a upgraded awm to a non upgraded r93 plain awm only has 1 more bullet in the clip than r93.
  • R93 is sweet. But the AWP is the trademark of all one hit snipers.
  • People are screaming awm awm!! Your comparing a upgraded awm to a non upgraded r93 plain awm only has 1 more bullet in the clip than r93.

    This is true. Although I doubt the R93 will receive any sort of upgrade. It's a really good sniper rifle how it is, any upgrade could push it towards the "over-powered" area. Well that's my opinion anyway.
  • I LOVE the R93 T2. Its so amazing. The sound is... jiiiizzingly amazing
  • This is true. Although I doubt the R93 will receive any sort of upgrade. It's a really good sniper rifle how it is, any upgrade could push it towards the "over-powered" area. Well that's my opinion anyway.

    Ha all 1hit snipers are op to me but idc. R93 will definitely get a upgrade and it will be zp. Probably as early as xmas.
  • There is no upgrade chance with fr-f2 its op already and can't go much father. While r93 started off as a gp crate definitely gonna get a upgrade.
  • A true sign of style for me is killing an enemy with a standard PSG-1 ;)
    Sad that gun is only available through a few crates atm, I only have it a few more days

    Anyway, the five best sniper rifles for me are:
    1. DSR-camo: that automatic and with 10 shots, it simply owns
    2. AWM-camo/Gold/LM: Nice guns, all very similiar
    3. DSR-Rusty: basically a R93 with more automatic shooting and one more bullet. Plus the reloading animation is so cool
    4. R93: Sick gun, especially as it's for GP and insta-kills. With a double scope it would even top 3.
    5. SL8/VSK-94: both just 2-shot killers, but very nice in TD maps like Egypt or Chinatown

    btw...what about Winchester-Scope xD

    best regards,
  • Frecklez wrote: »

    Now, can you bunny hop drag scope and aim at someone's head at the same time, using a PSG-1 RD? No?

    Tell me more about how AWMers have more skill.
    Frecklez wrote: »
    Correct, and it still doesn't. Bunny hopping and quick-scoping with an AWM are 2 separate actions done at the same time. And the only 1 of the 2 actions that actually requires skill, is the bunny hopping.

    And since you don't require to aim with a portable cannon like the AWM to kill, but just hit a target somewhere on the upper body area, it indeed takes more skill to use the PSG-1 in the same situation. For the PSG-1 is not a portable cannon, and only does 100 HP damage to the head, and therefore you have to add in a 3rd action called "AIMING" to pull of the same 1-shot-kill.

    Still confused about what skill is?

    Hmm. that's fairly rude. Using my example then rebuking it.

    That Aside, an Awmer on A top BW still needs to aim for head to hit the enemy if they are at barricades. You can't 'not aim' and rely on the 'portable cannon', this is the same for all snipers. Furthermore, you can quite easily hold down your shoot to pull of 2 quick shots with the PSG on the body.

    Italics. Portable. In what way is the Awm portable? The Awmer only really has one shot to kill the enemy, as you peak out, your walk is too slow to get back in on time. Whereas, a Psg... 2 Body shot peaks.

    Now to your question. You assume that I do not know what skill is. That again, is fairly impolite. But never mind.......
  • you guys have made the point very clear... Stop Bumping The Thread!
  • BriRon wrote: »
    Hmm. that's fairly rude. Using my example then rebuking it.

    That Aside, an Awmer on A top BW still needs to aim for head to hit the enemy if they are at barricades. You can't 'not aim' and rely on the 'portable cannon', this is the same for all snipers. Furthermore, you can quite easily hold down your shoot to pull of 2 quick shots with the PSG on the body.

    Italics. Portable. In what way is the Awm portable? The Awmer only really has one shot to kill the enemy, as you peak out, your walk is too slow to get back in on time. Whereas, a Psg... 2 Body shot peaks.

    Now to your question. You assume that I do not know what skill is. That again, is fairly impolite. But never mind.......
    Ever tried doing a 2 body shot against an AWMer at long range, or an AKer in close combat? Take my word for it, it's not that foolproof as you might think. That second shot is usual a fraction of a second too late in both scenarios.
  • Frecklez wrote: »
    Ever tried doing a 2 body shot against an AWMer at long range, or an AKer in close combat? Take my word for it, it's not that foolproof as you might think. That second shot is usual a fraction of a second too late in both scenarios.
    well unless the awmer cant aim you get some more chances.

    but its kinda unfair about that the m700 (i only know about that sniper) dont do full damage like 80hp (on the body) if they use armor but it do 100hp when they use a awm seems unfair to me. the m700 only do 40-50 hp when they use armor and the awm still do 100hp. i dont really see why.
  • suiles wrote: »
    well unless the awmer cant aim you get some more chances.

    but its kinda unfair about that the m700 (i only know about that sniper) dont do full damage like 80hp (on the body) if they use armor but it do 100hp when they use a awm seems unfair to me. the m700 only do 40-50 hp when they use armor and the awm still do 100hp. i dont really see why.

    on mutants the awm does 400hp damage, now you see why
  • it depends on you if you do a lot of TD you should take r93 but if you wanna have 2 scopes
    the AWm is the best DSR is the best if you like to hardscope (wait until the person come in the scope)
  • Still the FR-F2 imo. (I've tried the R93 many times.)
    An R93 with 10 ammo per clip would overcome the FR though.
  • Just cause AWM was once the best sniper rifle doesn't mean Crossfire will never add in something better.

    Despite having the awm you can still try and get the R93 also.