The essential guide for team play

With the exception of the FFA mode, all of the games and maps in Crossfire are team oriented in nature. So with that thought in mind the following guide will help beginning (and even some experienced) players with team play.

1. Always rush into the field of play without looking or analyzing the situation, this will ensure that the opposing team will be able to kill you as quickly and efficiently as possible.

2. Consistently use the same strategy over and over, this method will allow the enemy team to predict your patterns and exterminate you with whatever means appropriate.

3. Throw grenades blindly into the battlefield, Murphy's Law dictates that most of them will hopefully injure if not kill your own teammates.

4. When taking a position on the field of play try to stand directly in front of any your team's snipers. While this will mean the sniper will not be able to see enemy targets, keep in mind that you are providing them with a handy body shield (unless of course the enemy is throwing grenades in your direction).

5. On smaller maps with tight and cramped spaces ensure that the teammate in front of you (or to the side or back) can not make a retreat. By blocking their path of exit and restricting movement this will ensure that the enemy can easily shoot them in head.

6. Another team play tip that can not be stressed enough is in the area of communications. It essential to always stop in the *middle* of the battlefield when typing messages or sending team alerts. By doing so both teams can easily identify who the sender of the message is and if all goes well will allow you to collect free ammunition (usually in the head).

7. If your death ratio vastly overshadows your kill number (for example 4/36, I actually saw this score tonight) please continue in the course of action that brought you to that position. By getting killed as quickly possible this will allow both teams to rapidly reach the end of the match and continue on with other games.

By following the above suggestions you will definitely help the opposing team reach their goal of winning matches. Please add on if you useful team play tips.


  • This is a good guide if you do the opposite. Hmm.
  • LondonTea wrote: »
    This is a good guide if you do it. Hmm.

    Fixed it for ya ;)
  • Thats a nice guide. Let your own team die lol
  • OMFG, this was some funny sh*t! Couldn't stop laughing for ages ROFL
  • arkitech wrote: »
    With the exception of the FFA mode, all of the games and maps in Crossfire are team oriented in nature. So with that thought in mind the following guide will help beginning (and even some experienced) players with team play.

    1. Always rush into the field of play without looking or analyzing the situation, this will ensure that the opposing team will be able to kill you as quickly and efficiently as possible.

    2. Consistently use the same strategy over and over, this method will allow the enemy team to predict your patterns and exterminate you with whatever means appropriate.

    3. Throw grenades blindly into the battlefield, Murphy's Law dictates that most of them will hopefully injure if not kill your own teammates.

    4. When taking a position on the field of play try to stand directly in front of any your team's snipers. While this will mean the sniper will not be able to see enemy targets, keep in mind that you are providing them with a handy body shield (unless of course the enemy is throwing grenades in your direction).

    5. On smaller maps with tight and cramped spaces ensure that the teammate in front of you (or to the side or back) can not make a retreat. By blocking their path of exit and restricting movement this will ensure that the enemy can easily shoot them in head.

    6. Another team play tip that can not be stressed enough is in the area of communications. It essential to always stop in the *middle* of the battlefield when typing messages or sending team alerts. By doing so both teams can easily identify who the sender of the message is and if all goes well will allow you to collect free ammunition (usually in the head).

    7. If your death ratio vastly overshadows your kill number (for example 4/36, I actually saw this score tonight) please continue in the course of action that brought you to that position. By getting killed as quickly possible this will allow both teams to rapidly reach the end of the match and continue on with other games.

    By following the above suggestions you will definitely help the opposing team reach their goal of winning matches. Please add on if you useful team play tips.

    1. Totally. I do this when I'm bored. I yell "RAMBOOOOOOO" and run straight at the enemy with a shotgun. It works half the time, which is sad.

    2. On the flip side, I don't do this. Unless it works, most specifically on Monaco, because a lot of people who play that map are idiots. They get sniped once, they go back for more just to get back at you, but end up feeding you.

    3. I rarely throw grenades unless I know someone's coming, at which point I'm tossing a flash around the corner (But which usually doesn't work as it lands behind the person which reduces the flash effect to just a second or two). As I play, I notice people who randomly throw nades but also people whose aims leave something to be desired. One game I got naded 3 times in a row by 3 different teammates (whose nades ricocheted back), and I hadn't even gotten to the middle of the map yet! And then there's people who throw smokes into our own base so we can't retaliate against enemy snipers, or those people who throw flashes ahead of themselves... and straight into the team's vanguard taking the fight to the enemy only to cause their deaths because they couldn't see.

    4. This. Countless times, I'm sniping only to have some other dude (and sometimes another sniper) come and start strafing in front of me, and most of the time blocking the enemy on the other side from view.

    5. This usually sucks, but one game, an enemy player was blocking an entire narrow section. When I showed up, there were 4 people stuck. I killed them all and someone started a kick vote on that player blocking. Needless to say, it didn't pass because no one was screaming HACKER!

    6. I rarely see this. And I type very quickly (Though not extremely quickly), and usually in the form of typing a short sentence in midair while jumping towards cover. Though I do occasionally type within enemy spawn (But then again, I'm ninja'ing into their base to assassinate a certain sniper friend who is on the other team. And I succeeded. She got SO mad at me).

    7. Yes. I saw a dude with a PSG in sniper-only Monaco screaming hacks about everyone on the other team when his score was a paltry 6-40. Whereas against those same players I had a 30:13. I'm a mucho-major camper. I stay in one spot. Forever, until I nab a kill. I usually wait for an enemy sniper, letting everyone else pass me. Once I kill the sniper I relocate quickly to another hiding spot and rinse and repeat. Taking out enemy snipers is beneficial to the team, so I think I do a fine job o.O. And giving myself away isn't beneficial since I'm a sniper that hunts snipers. Like a ninja.
  • This should be stickied. I followed this guide and now i r teh proz!