.Calculated Recruiting


Scrim and CW Team


Current Record: 818-144

.Calculated (Previously Ensemble, Error!, and Resilience) is a scrim clan, although we pub for fun once in a while. We are looking to pick up one or two players. We are basically family, we know each other well, and we chill in Vent more often than not. The youngest member in .Calc is 18, and in terms of maturity, we’d like to keep the same level if not bring it higher. However, we know there’s always exceptions in the correlation between age and maturity.


What's your win precentage? 85%

How many members do you currently have? 10. We're all close, and know how each other play.

How often do you play? For about one to three hours a day.


1.5+ KD (If you think your KDR misrepresents you, you can ask for a tryout)
Working Mic
Age 16 and up


If you meet the requirements, go ahead and apply - search .Calculated on the clan website. Or go here:


When you apply, copy/paste and fill out the following form:

Real name:
Previous clan:


P.S. I just met you, and this is crazy, but here's my number; so call me maybe?

~ .Plus // 2NE1.Minzy // [-DDoS*]
