
Okay i've paid good money to play this game and to have fun, i'm sick of it being ruined by hackers. This game either needs to switch it's hack detection because gameguard is a piece of craap and can't detect ANYTHING. Or have a better report system with people dedicated only to that specific area. An in-game report button or something because this is ridiculous. There's no point in me spending anymore money if i can't get my money's worth in enjoyment.

Reporting someone to a GM does nothing ... i know so many people who have reported others only to see them on the next day, week, month, etc.


  • Okay i've paid good money to play this game and to have fun, i'm sick of it being ruined by hackers. This game either needs to switch it's hack detection because gameguard is a piece of craap and can't detect ANYTHING. Or have a better report system with people dedicated only to that specific area. An in-game report button or something because this is ridiculous. There's no point in me spending anymore money if i can't get my money's worth in enjoyment.

    Reporting someone to a GM does nothing ... i know so many people who have reported others only to see them on the next day, week, month, etc.

    #1. It Doesn't matter which anti-hack we get they all can be bypassed to stop detecting hacks
    #2. The report system is fine as it is, although it could be done a little easier.
  • LostMem0ry wrote: »
    #1. It Doesn't matter which anti-hack we get they all can be bypassed to stop detecting hacks
    #2. The report system is fine as it is, although it could be done a little easier.

    You idiot. Some are harder to bypass than others, and something like punkbuster is really hard to bypass, plus gameguard is a piece of craap. If we got punk buster a new hack would take a while to release and therefore there wouldn'tb e any hackers for a while.

    Btw if the report system was good, more people would be banned. Hackers get banned, and make a new account and start ahcking again.
  • You idiot. Some are harder to bypass than others, and something like punkbuster is really hard to bypass, plus gameguard is a piece of craap. If we got punk buster a new hack would take a while to release and therefore there wouldn'tb e any hackers for a while.

    Btw if the report system was good, more people would be banned. Hackers get banned, and make a new account and start ahcking again.
    1) WarRock used PunkBuster. Utterly useless.

    2) Hackers making new accs isn't the report systems fault.

    Try again.
  • Z8games should invest in the VAC system that CSS uses. It runs like gamegaurd and if it detects any DLL files being put in the game it auto bans you from the game and wont let you play on that IP
  • Okay i've paid good money to play this game and to have fun, i'm sick of it being ruined by hackers. This game either needs to switch it's hack detection because gameguard is a piece of craap and can't detect ANYTHING. Or have a better report system with people dedicated only to that specific area. An in-game report button or something because this is ridiculous. There's no point in me spending anymore money if i can't get my money's worth in enjoyment.

    Reporting someone to a GM does nothing ... i know so many people who have reported others only to see them on the next day, week, month, etc.
    wel thats your problem
    bullshiit the hacker are just to smart D: (i mean the people who actualy make the hacks)
    then you are doing it wrong nub
  • why are there so many people QQing about a suggestion?

    lol PunkBuster is about 10 000 times better than gameguard though.

    Rammajamma, you're not only talking to me when you say that you've talking to everyone who's bought ZP, and there are a lot of them so don't be a dbag.
  • i agree.. =(.. they are so many fcking hackers that ruins the game.. what is the oobjective of that? i dont understand.. kill guys? wow.. and they are many people that plays good and get kicked for it. like me. i was just kicked cause i was owning with my shovel.. =8
  • Paintkilla wrote: »
    Z8games should invest in the VAC system that CSS uses. It runs like gamegaurd and if it detects any DLL files being put in the game it auto bans you from the game and wont let you play on that IP

    wooow.. that is cool.. =)
  • Paintkilla wrote: »
    Z8games should invest in the VAC system that CSS uses. It runs like gamegaurd and if it detects any DLL files being put in the game it auto bans you from the game and wont let you play on that IP

    um, lol VAC? you're joking right?
    Laughs aside even if VAC was decent you know it stands for Valve anti-cheat right? Valve wouldn't sell their anti-cheat code for cheap and quite frankly it's not worth buying regardless.

    tbh the best anti-cheats have been coded by the games community for things like ESEA and one point WWCL (before they gave up the project, anyway).

    The community makes the best hacks, the community makes the best anti-cheats. You want a scenario of everyone being 100% legit? LAN. It's sad but true, just the way the internet is.
  • Really?! Then why doesn't the game incorperate one of these anti-cheats.

    I used a player-made anti-cheat but the problem is how do i know if the other team is using it. especially in scrim,s hackers are gay.
  • You idiot. Some are harder to bypass than others, and something like punkbuster is really hard to bypass, plus gameguard is a piece of craap. If we got punk buster a new hack would take a while to release and therefore there wouldn'tb e any hackers for a while.

    Btw if the report system was good, more people would be banned. Hackers get banned, and make a new account and start ahcking again.

    By this post, I can tell you have NO IDEA of why Punkbuster failed with WarRock and it's awesome with Americas Army and Battle Field..

    If you do not have the enough knowledge about anti-hack software, please do not bother to suggest them...
  • I don't understand the fun in hacking i mean its just like farming exept your being a complete @$$ about raising ur kdr and some hackers fail miserably i mean just watch my youtube video pawning 2 hackers http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HrhzDwKZnuE
    After i pawn you in Gm on bl side you know its going on youtube espicially if he admit to it and after he admit to it he told his team he would give them the hack after, what has this game come to. Like he would snipe invisible noobs with m700 headshot and lol at them. But remember hackers weakness is an attack from behind
  • The truth is hackers are smarter than every body else when it comes to this stuff. Just because you think another anti hack will do the trick your in an area of being wrong. No matter how much money you spend on this subject a hacker will """ALWAYS""" find a way around it, I spen money on this game to and suffer from almost a mental temper tantrom when a good player like me gets killed by aimbotters I mean get over it

  • dude its not gameguard..all hack detectors can be passed..just depends on what the hack is made of
  • Okay i've paid good money to play this game and to have fun, i'm sick of it being ruined by hackers. This game either needs to switch it's hack detection because gameguard is a piece of craap and can't detect ANYTHING. Or have a better report system with people dedicated only to that specific area. An in-game report button or something because this is ridiculous. There's no point in me spending anymore money if i can't get my money's worth in enjoyment.

    Reporting someone to a GM does nothing ... i know so many people who have reported others only to see them on the next day, week, month, etc.

    technically your wrong GG detects alot, tobad only 1% of them are actualy hacks (like from time to time it will detect msn skype yahoo and other chat programs as a hack program (wich they arent asfar as i know)

    though, not everyone that you might think is hacking is actualy hacking, for instance when i play GM-GR i get alot of kills and you might think i'm hacking if i'm like 42/0 or something (wich is realistic i'v had it noumerous times) though it doesnt mean that i hack just that i'v played alot and know how the game works, (and played the map somuch that i know the places people hide alot)
  • If hackers got banned crossfire needs to ban their ip address that way they cannot continue playing at all
  • If hackers got banned crossfire needs to ban their ip address that way they cannot continue playing at all

    GMs sometimes do that. I heard that hackers would only hack to **** noobs off.
  • If hackers got banned crossfire needs to ban their ip address that way they cannot continue playing at all

    its called changing IP
    geez every 8 years old can do that

    also PB aint gona help
    on my clans battlefield server we needed to find out who was hacking ourself
  • Rammajamma wrote: »
    its called changing IP
    geez every 8 years old can do that
    Not really, not all Internet providers offer dynamic IP.
    Z8Games really should consider IP banning.
  • hacks

    Is there a way that the higher ranks can get kicked less for hack accusations? As i believe if u spend that much time playin the character... are you going to hack and lose it?
  • Okay i've paid good money to play this game and to have fun, i'm sick of it being ruined by hackers. This game either needs to switch it's hack detection because gameguard is a piece of craap and can't detect ANYTHING. Or have a better report system with people dedicated only to that specific area. An in-game report button or something because this is ridiculous. There's no point in me spending anymore money if i can't get my money's worth in enjoyment.

    Reporting someone to a GM does nothing ... i know so many people who have reported others only to see them on the next day, week, month, etc.

    Ive paid a lot to *cough -400*
  • Rammajamma wrote: »
    wel thats your problem
    bullshiit the hacker are just to smart D: (i mean the people who actualy make the hacks)
    then you are doing it wrong nub

    You dont have to be smart to make hacks, though it takes a long period of time to learn the codeing and all that stuff to go along with it. I bet the people that make these hacks took college courses on these programs
  • okay i've paid good money to play this game and to have fun, i'm sick of it being ruined by hackers. This game either needs to switch it's hack detection because gameguard is a piece of craap and can't detect anything. Or have a better report system with people dedicated only to that specific area. An in-game report button or something because this is ridiculous. There's no point in me spending anymore money if i can't get my money's worth in enjoyment.

    Reporting someone to a gm does nothing ... I know so many people who have reported others only to see them on the next day, week, month, etc.

    yes ! Right !
  • ok so why dont they use like 10 anti-hacking programs??
  • Rammajamma wrote: »
    wel thats your problem
    bullshiit the hacker are just to smart D: (i mean the people who actualy make the hacks)
    then you are doing it wrong nub

    If you only read what you have coloured.. it says 'Okay i've paid good money to play this game and to have fun, because gameguard is a piece of craap and can't detect ANYTHING.'

    What a LoL I had with that.

  • Paintkilla wrote: »
    You dont have to be smart to make hacks, though it takes a long period of time to learn the codeing and all that stuff to go along with it. I bet the people that make these hacks took college courses on these programs

    I bet a fourth grader can make a hack faster than a college kid.
    And that makes me mad but yet I cant do anything about hackers so I just keep playing the game. And no matter what I will always buy zp ok z8 games because ive come to realize that no matter what you do a hacker is always around (ALL OVER COMPUTERS)so I have learned not to whine. I really get ****ed when i get killed by an aimbotter
  • Dellll wrote: »
    Not really, not all Internet providers offer dynamic IP.
    Z8Games really should consider IP banning.

    First off all even with static ips you can use Proxies to change your ip ( you could literally change your ip ever 10 secs if you wanted with this ). There are millions of proxy servers out there and several ways around ip Bans. The most effective way to ban someone ( there are still work around for this to) would to be do Mac ban's or PC bans ( a pc ban is just the numerical code that identify the hard drive, replacing the hard drive fixes the pc ban, and a new network card fixes the mac ban ). There are ways around all bans but the mac and pc ban would be the hardest for kids, teens to deal with since either they would not know how to get around it, or they would not have the money to fix the problem.

    Second i would like to point out that all Anti-Hacking programs have aloot of VIP hacks for them, I have never hacked a day in my life but I understand there are hacks out there, and ive seen sites that as soon as a update comes out for like battlefield's punkbuster, a day or two later the vip hack is working and not detected again. Do you think these companies making money off there hacks are gonna let them stay non functional for long? no... They are gonna work to the bone on new updates to get around them. There will always be hackers and there will always be noobs who scream hacker at legit good players. The hacker problem we need to just bare with and hope z8 finds out something better to do, give them time.. You are asking for punkbuster or Vac... well guess what.. Those took years and years to get where they are now, anyone remember battlefield 1942, It did not really have a punkbuster, if it was there it was very very basic.. I remember games even before those on PC's that had no anti hack, like the first counter strike, hacks came out waaay before a anti- hack came out. There where even clans in CS that proudly wore there Clan tags saying they where hackers, Anyone remember Myg0t? I got so mad at them at one point i even checked out there website, they made pictures they edited with all the words people would call them while they hacked.. They just thought it was funny ( i dont understand people like this and why they would even hack... )

    You think just a different anti-hack will fix the problem? well a game that you pay for, even counter strike source when steam came out people though, why would you risk getting vac banned on every game you own for steam.. First cd-keys started rolling around very cheap ( dont know how they sold them so cheap, i saw them on ebay a looong time ago ). Then came along even a Steam work around where you could get free accounts with all games unlocked using a hacked version of steam ( not sure if they fixed this, a friend told me about it a few years ago ). Nothing is perfect but they are working there best to make a better system and to stop hackers.

    I've had to put up with the same thing in every game, and in all games you get the same thing. Noobs ( or just bad players ) who will scream at legit player who has worked very hard learning the map, the game physics, even the way the gun sprays knowing where the 2nd and 3rd bullet will hit so you know how to pull your gun.. where people like to camp and hide, how to listen for footsteps and any other indication with very good headphones. Its not hard to get good at a game, Its very hard to convince noobs that you are legit once one noob starts screaming hacker cause they casually play the game and don't learn the game physics and mechanics. I have to deal with people " OMG NO WAY, your not a girl, your just a guy pretending cause girls dont play this game " mentality from most guys who play this game.... Is it so hard to think a girl has just as much right to play games as guys do? the last i looked this is not the 1950s... I have gotten insults when they do think im a girl saying i should be in the kitchen, stuff like that. It shows how little our society has actually evolved. I know who I am and i don't care if people belief me or not, I don't care what most think of my lifestyle choices either.. Its a game, learn to just have fun and if you think someones hacking, watch them very carefully or whisper the other side nicely , ask someone when they die to watch them.. Don't just accuse ( don't ask the noob on the other team ask someone who is actually good and knows the game)

    (btw sorry for the noob comment as some people mistake this for newb... Newb are new players learning the game.. noob is a player who played long enough to know the differences but yet still acts like a newbie making newbie mistakes, being rude, and accusing everyone of everything )

    *edit* sorry for any spelling or grammar mistakes, I was very tired when i wrote this..
  • Paintkilla wrote: »
    Z8games should invest in the VAC system that CSS uses. It runs like gamegaurd and if it detects any DLL files being put in the game it auto bans you from the game and wont let you play on that IP

    RiGHT Punkbuster roX !

    this gamehacker need not a ip (ip can be dynamic) or hardware ban they need a iSP ban!
    i know punkbuster fron enemy territory.... nice game with real pro*s
  • First off all even with static ips you can use Proxies to change your ip ( you could literally change your ip ever 10 secs if you wanted with this ). There are millions of proxy servers out there and several ways around ip Bans. The most effective way to ban someone ( there are still work around for this to) would to be do Mac ban's or PC bans ( a pc ban is just the numerical code that identify the hard drive, replacing the hard drive fixes the pc ban, and a new network card fixes the mac ban ). There are ways around all bans but the mac and pc ban would be the hardest for kids, teens to deal with since either they would not know how to get around it, or they would not have the money to fix the problem.

    Second i would like to point out that all Anti-Hacking programs have aloot of VIP hacks for them, I have never hacked a day in my life but I understand there are hacks out there, and ive seen sites that as soon as a update comes out for like battlefield's punkbuster, a day or two later the vip hack is working and not detected again. Do you think these companies making money off there hacks are gonna let them stay non functional for long? no... They are gonna work to the bone on new updates to get around them. There will always be hackers and there will always be noobs who scream hacker at legit good players. The hacker problem we need to just bare with and hope z8 finds out something better to do, give them time.. You are asking for punkbuster or Vac... well guess what.. Those took years and years to get where they are now, anyone remember battlefield 1942, It did not really have a punkbuster, if it was there it was very very basic.. I remember games even before those on PC's that had no anti hack, like the first counter strike, hacks came out waaay before a anti- hack came out. There where even clans in CS that proudly wore there Clan tags saying they where hackers, Anyone remember Myg0t? I got so mad at them at one point i even checked out there website, they made pictures they edited with all the words people would call them while they hacked.. They just thought it was funny ( i dont understand people like this and why they would even hack... )

    You think just a different anti-hack will fix the problem? well a game that you pay for, even counter strike source when steam came out people though, why would you risk getting vac banned on every game you own for steam.. First cd-keys started rolling around very cheap ( dont know how they sold them so cheap, i saw them on ebay a looong time ago ). Then came along even a Steam work around where you could get free accounts with all games unlocked using a hacked version of steam ( not sure if they fixed this, a friend told me about it a few years ago ). Nothing is perfect but they are working there best to make a better system and to stop hackers.

    I've had to put up with the same thing in every game, and in all games you get the same thing. Noobs ( or just bad players ) who will scream at legit player who has worked very hard learning the map, the game physics, even the way the gun sprays knowing where the 2nd and 3rd bullet will hit so you know how to pull your gun.. where people like to camp and hide, how to listen for footsteps and any other indication with very good headphones. Its not hard to get good at a game, Its very hard to convince noobs that you are legit once one noob starts screaming hacker cause they casually play the game and don't learn the game physics and mechanics. I have to deal with people " OMG NO WAY, your not a girl, your just a guy pretending cause girls dont play this game " mentality from most guys who play this game.... Is it so hard to think a girl has just as much right to play games as guys do? the last i looked this is not the 1950s... I have gotten insults when they do think im a girl saying i should be in the kitchen, stuff like that. It shows how little our society has actually evolved. I know who I am and i don't care if people belief me or not, I don't care what most think of my lifestyle choices either.. Its a game, learn to just have fun and if you think someones hacking, watch them very carefully or whisper the other side nicely , ask someone when they die to watch them.. Don't just accuse ( don't ask the noob on the other team ask someone who is actually good and knows the game)

    (btw sorry for the noob comment as some people mistake this for newb... Newb are new players learning the game.. noob is a player who played long enough to know the differences but yet still acts like a newbie making newbie mistakes, being rude, and accusing everyone of everything )

    *edit* sorry for any spelling or grammar mistakes, I was very tired when i wrote this..

    WTH ? Stephen King ? just kidding....