Esg.Elite picking up 2

what are we looking for?
-a strat caller
-a sniper

our strat caller is taking kinda of a break from cf
-needs to be really smart
-can frag as well
-calls very good strats
-enough exp and know what your doing
-dont just rush

we just need 1 sniper...
-very good sniper
-likes to snipe mid in some maps
-doesnt mind to be a camp sniper
-has control of the pistol
-has control of the sniper

our s5 is
iSpark. (rifler)
_][noX (hybrid)
Cui.Gada (hybrid)
xG.Dragonzx (rifler)
KlutchKilleR (sniper)

our subs are

try outs that are in the team

my xifre is Klu7chKilleR pm me if you want a spot
