C.f put host kick option plz
I like the idea of unlimited host kick option, inside a game...
right now, you join a game, you get kicked by noobs, jealous players etc.. anyways
-noobs and ppl who wana win mission, press f12, so haaker can win game for them.
-yes, there will be hosts abusing this option, but hey.... the vote kick gets abused
all the wrong reason anyways.. I RATHER TAKE MY CHANCES with a host to kick me.
if anything..... you can join a friend's game, who is the host, and u dont have to worry about being kicked, and dont have to worry about noob f12, cause a haaker/waller joins
the game.
haakers and noobs will host their own game, and abuse it, thats fine.. BUT thats good!
cause ppl with common sense, will leave their game so fast, their room will empty out.
AND ...... THEY HAVE NO WHERE TO GO, cause everytime they try to haak, they get kicked by the host!
ALSO.. YES! I know there will be good players, legits, playing the game and will be kicked by hosts, who DO NOT KNOW THEM.... thats fine too! but I am sure! those good players/legits DO NOT get kick as much as what is currently going on now!
*** BESIDES, all good players with good KDR, will agree to this****
nobody........... NOBODY, WHO PUT SO MUCH EFFORT into having good KDR RATIO, want to get ruined by
haakers, wallers, I think they rather get kicked a few times a day by a host kick option, instead of
joining 8/10 games with haakers, wallers, ruining their KDR score. THANK YOU ALL !
There ya go c.f! Now send me my ChQ, for helping you out with haakers!
P.S I also know, this will make ALOT of haakers/wallers/noobs cry, and give excuse to
dismiss this idea.
right now, you join a game, you get kicked by noobs, jealous players etc.. anyways
-noobs and ppl who wana win mission, press f12, so haaker can win game for them.
-yes, there will be hosts abusing this option, but hey.... the vote kick gets abused
all the wrong reason anyways.. I RATHER TAKE MY CHANCES with a host to kick me.
if anything..... you can join a friend's game, who is the host, and u dont have to worry about being kicked, and dont have to worry about noob f12, cause a haaker/waller joins
the game.
haakers and noobs will host their own game, and abuse it, thats fine.. BUT thats good!
cause ppl with common sense, will leave their game so fast, their room will empty out.
AND ...... THEY HAVE NO WHERE TO GO, cause everytime they try to haak, they get kicked by the host!

ALSO.. YES! I know there will be good players, legits, playing the game and will be kicked by hosts, who DO NOT KNOW THEM.... thats fine too! but I am sure! those good players/legits DO NOT get kick as much as what is currently going on now!
*** BESIDES, all good players with good KDR, will agree to this****
nobody........... NOBODY, WHO PUT SO MUCH EFFORT into having good KDR RATIO, want to get ruined by
haakers, wallers, I think they rather get kicked a few times a day by a host kick option, instead of
joining 8/10 games with haakers, wallers, ruining their KDR score. THANK YOU ALL !
There ya go c.f! Now send me my ChQ, for helping you out with haakers!
P.S I also know, this will make ALOT of haakers/wallers/noobs cry, and give excuse to
dismiss this idea.

BoliedTaco wrote: »What if the host is a "noob" or a jealous player? That would be worse than the way it is now.
ATTENTION: I would like everyone who read my posts and reply....... please read it and understand it carefully, b4 you reply to me.
my quote "right now, you join a game, you get kicked by noobs, jealous players etc.. anyways".
if host is noob and jealous player, he kick you............ and currently, if noob or jealous player
vote kick you, cause your good, etc.. whatever the reason is.. AND PPL f11 you..
there is no difference is there? either way you get kicked... HOW IS THAT, making it worse?
IT equals the same thing= you get kicked.
the benefit of this is, you get to join your friend's game, or you host your own game and put justice into your own hand.
there are tons of good nice players out there, who i am sure will host a good game,
and not kick good players....
how about c.f making a 3months thrial host kick option, and then do a survey later?
p.s please dont ask anymore stupid questions, im only gonna respond to ppl who have
at least the minimum Good question or counter to this idea. -
justvicious3 wrote: »ATTENTION: I would like everyone who read my posts and reply....... please read it and understand it carefully, b4 you reply to me.
my quote "right now, you join a game, you get kicked by noobs, jealous players etc.. anyways".
if host is noob and jealous player, he kick you............ and currently, if noob or jealous player
vote kick you, cause your good, etc.. whatever the reason is.. AND PPL f11 you..
there is no difference is there? either way you get kicked... HOW IS THAT, making it worse?
IT equals the same thing= you get kicked.
the benefit of this is, you get to join your friend's game, or you host your own game and put justice into your own hand.
there are tons of good nice players out there, who i am sure will host a good game,
and not kick good players....
how about c.f making a 3months thrial host kick option, and then do a survey later?
p.s please dont ask anymore stupid questions, im only gonna respond to ppl who have
at least the minimum Good question or counter to this idea. -
Yeah, you will get them stupid posters. I totally agree with you man (you know who I am).
I know if they placed that Host option and I created a room it will always be full. I have a large friends list and all are good decent players. No one is consistent from 1 game to another. They are fun to play with and againstI had responded to a similar post and ended with this: CF, try the host kick option. If it does not work, change it back. No harm done. I guarantee if it was given a chance, there will be happy players, and very very upset, angry, jealous players (them would be the hackers and hackers friends who do not hack and hit F12). Oh and BoliedTaco, my dog ate your Horse.
This ought to be added - Exactly what I have been saying.
If your worried about being "abused" make your own room, that is why I want this ability because noobs keep kicking me and they won't kick hackers that is abuse of the current system.
I just want a clean game without hackers nor to be kicked for playing good, and therefore host kick is the best option.
This would also reduce hacking drastically because if you can get kicked instantly then you won't hack.
The only thing a hacker could do is host a room which wouldn't quite work because as soon as you know the host is an hack then you and others would leave the game as you cannot kick him, leaving him noone to kill, which solves another problem that being; people stay in hack games in the hope the hacker may get kicked. -
Thing is, there will be too many people who abuse it. Someone on the other team keeps killing you? Oh lets just go kick him. Eventually, it could get to the point where no one wants to join games, just host them. And face it, usually you only get kicked by jealous players if the other team gives them a reason for them to kick you. If this is added in, the host can just go and put anyone up for a kick they want, not just hackers.
Aproclis53 wrote: »if the host is a noob player, a foriegn user who doesnt understand english, or he is jealous..... then the idea is useless -.-
Question was asked 2 mins ago, read the rest of the posts.
I totally agree with you. But everyone would want to be the host of the room and end up with only 3-4 players in each room. -
- What Happen when the "Host" is the "H*cker"?
- What Happen when the "Host" don't like "High-RankPlayer" ?
- What Happen when the "Host" kick's you with no Reason?
- What Happen when the "Host" Kick's you, coz u stole inGame his Ace?
- What Happen when ... Whatever.. "Threadstarter" don't care this....
[Star]Tiga?? -
ThepacTIGA wrote: »
- What Happen when the "Host" is the "H*cker"?
- What Happen when the "Host" don't like "High-RankPlayer" ?
- What Happen when the "Host" kick's you with no Reason?
- What Happen when the "Host" Kick's you, coz u stole inGame his Ace?
- What Happen when ... Whatever.. "Threadstarter" don't care this....
msg2short -
ThepacTIGA wrote: »
- What Happen when the "Host" is the "H*cker"?
- What Happen when the "Host" don't like "High-RankPlayer" ?
- What Happen when the "Host" kick's you with no Reason?
- What Happen when the "Host" Kick's you, coz u stole inGame his Ace?
- What Happen when ... Whatever.. "Threadstarter" don't care this....
Go host a room.
Funnily enough all the reasons you listed are reasons to have it, just replace "host" with "player/players".
At least with it you can have a room where there are no hackers and kickers unlike now. -
At least with it you can have a room where there are no hackers and kickers unlike now.
Not necessarily. What if the host is a rookie that doesnt know how to handle the system or if the host is just a noob who wants tto kick the hacker in his team to win the mission? ..
It has positive aspects, but u always gotta take a look at the negative consequences.
3rd thread on this today.
1st off - this thread should go in suggestions, not barracks.
2nd - this would get abused, just like all the other kick functions.
3rd - use search button//use correct forum to check if the idea has already been done.
3rd - done tons of times , even once by me -
Not necessarily. What if the host is a rookie that doesnt know how to handle the system or if the host is just a noob who wants tto kick the hacker in his team to win the mission? ..
It has positive aspects, but u always gotta take a look at the negative consequences.
There are two negatives they are:
Play with an unkickable hacker or leave = We have to do this now.
Get kicked for nothing = We get this now.
What the new system would offer is for you to be able to host a room if your tired of both of the above, or even your friends, clannies or you could simply join games with reputable hosts, in fact if you did this you need not get kicked or hacked on again. -
There are two negatives they are:
Play with an unkickable hacker or leave = We have to do this now.
Get kicked for nothing = We get this now.
What the new system would offer is for you to be able to host a room if your tired of both of the above, or even your friends, clannies or you could simply join games with reputable hosts, in fact if you did this you need not get kicked or hacked on again.
CHIMPZZ.... You seem to be one of the few posters,
who has reason and logic on this issue.
a " good head on your shoulders".
the others, as i expected, are just trolls, haakers, wallers, who will TRY their very best,
to make sure this idea, will not get implemented, as it would ruin their joy of haaking in game and making others miserable.
ATTENTION: [MANY RETAIL GAMES, has this host kick option, for many years.]
Anyone with common sense and good reason, will no doubt judge that this idea is better.
as the current kick system, is abused EVERYDAY, EVERY GAME, by haakers, noobs, new players, foreigners, whatever reasons these trolls are trying to argue.
Even when the host kick option gets abused, it does not change a thing currently happening.
* what it does is eliminate current and all new haakers from messing up their game/KDR,
also it will create a whole new load of nice players hosting the games, pppl will eventually
find who is good honest respectable hosts.
*bad host (foreigners,noobs,haakers whatever excuse these poster trolls are saying),
WILL HAVE a hard time finding players to join their game.
As you will see from their posts, noob poster's arguement is WEAK, as instead of coming up with a better idea, they try their best to kill this idea.
I played in BF2 game ONLY in servers with a in-game mod/host, and the haaks was 0 to very very low, the game was playable, i played at certain servers like this for over 2yrs.
and it was VERY ENJOYABLE. C.F players will soon realize how much fun this game is again, when host kick option is implemented for this game. -
Not necessarily. What if the host is a rookie that doesnt know how to handle the system or if the host is just a noob who wants tto kick the hacker in his team to win the mission? ..
It has positive aspects, but u always gotta take a look at the negative consequences.
So your telling me, u rather stay in a game with a haaker, who the host doesnt kick?
sounds like a game with ppl pressing f12 doesn't it? same thing correct?
so you join a game, and you play well, the host kicks you,
sounds like players, after players trying to vote kick you, and the noobs press f11 to kick you? same thing correct?
so the host kicks you because u play well, ok.
would you rather join a game with a friend who is hosting? LOTS OF PPL DO THIS everyday, they join their friend's game.
would you rather join a game with ppl u know, or a known good hosts?
or take your chances on a uknown hosts, that may or may not kick you for playing well?
PPL TAKE A CHANCE every room they play in RIGHT NOW!
they take a chance of a haaker joining in the game late, and killing the mission for winning team, they take a chance of losing their great KDR, in-game ace. etc.
YOU are taking this chance every room you join buddy!
YOU need to think. -
justvicious3 wrote: »the others, as i expected, are just trolls, haakers, wallers, who will TRY their very best,
to make sure this idea, will not get implemented, as it would ruin their joy of haaking in game and making others miserable.
EDIT: These forums are made to discuss and if u cant take criticism on ur suggestions without calling every1 who disagree a troll/waller/hacker then stop making threads. -
yes, you are a troll...
sorry troll boy, i will not respond to trolls with little intelligence.
besides, you don't have any better ideas, no additional thought into solving problems of haakers.
you are here because you live here in this forum, you wait for posts, so you can have a arguement, instead of helping in any solutions to a problem.
like i said, YOUR arguement is WEAK, at best.
i'll let you talk to yourself now in my thread, you won't get any arguement from me
until i see you come up with a solution to c.f haak problems. GL with that thought. -
Not necessarily. What if the host is a rookie that doesnt know how to handle the system or if the host is just a noob who wants tto kick the hacker in his team to win the mission? ..
It has positive aspects, but u always gotta take a look at the negative consequences.
oh btw, this is your best argument you ever have.........
AND...... i already posted a reply to this earlier to someone else's posts...
solution= you leave the game,
- host your own game
- find a friend who is hosting a game
- find a respectable known hoster.
Is it too hard to do any of these? i bet it is, for someone like you.
udream.. you need to just play the game , DON'T POST ANYMORE. it makes me feel sad for you.
i don't think you have the intelligence and common sense to brainstorm a solution to c.f 's haak problem.
yes im attacking your intelligence, and its based on how lame your Criticism is to my idea.
COME UP WITH A NEW, better idea, a real solution.. and i will shut my mouth o.k kid?
all you do, and these noobs do is posts responses without actuallying spending time and thinking about it.
YOur all keyboard jockeys, you just love to type your hearts out.
which explains why some of you have so many posts, of which i am sure is non conducive to whatever topic/thread that is posted. -
justvicious3 wrote: »
i don't think you have the intelligence and common sense to brainstorm a solution to c.f 's haak problem.
yes im attacking your intelligence, and its based on how lame your Criticism is to my idea.
COME UP WITH A NEW, better idea, a real solution.. and i will shut my mouth o.k kid?
all you do, and these noobs do is posts responses without actuallying spending time and thinking about it.
YOur all keyboard jockeys, you just love to type your hearts out.
which explains why some of you have so many posts, of which i am sure is non conducive to whatever topic/thread that is posted.
Kiddie, first at all its not our job to find a solution for the hackin problem, besides that there are people employed to fix those problems.
Next to this noone on this forums will give a damn on the stuff u wrote here. Well they will read it, and after a bit every1 forgot ur idea and no1 cares about it.
Suggestions are always good, if they're well-conceived. If u just think like hey this would be good then there wouldnt be so much senseless kicks blablabla - you will never get a really good suggestions you always have to consider the disadvantages of this suggestion. And in ur case the disadvantages outweighs.
justvicious3 wrote: »yes, you are a troll...
sorry troll boy, i will not respond to trolls with little intelligence.
besides, you don't have any better ideas, no additional thought into solving problems of haakers.
i'll let you talk to yourself now in my thread, you won't get any arguement from me
until i see you come up with a solution to c.f haak problems. GL with that thought.
Sad that you quit cause u couldnt come up with more ideas or arguments. Just shows me that ur even a bigger troll than expected and that this suggestion was made by a narrow-minded kiddie. -
Kiddie, first at all its not our job to find a solution for the hackin problem, besides that there are people employed to fix those problems.
Next to this noone on this forums will give a damn on the stuff u wrote here. Well they will read it, and after a bit every1 forgot ur idea and no1 cares about it.
Suggestions are always good, if they're well-conceived. If u just think like hey this would be good then there wouldnt be so much senseless kicks blablabla - you will never get a really good suggestions you always have to consider the disadvantages of this suggestion. And in ur case the disadvantages outweighs.
Sad that you quit cause u couldnt come up with more ideas or arguments. Just shows me that ur even a bigger troll than expected and that this suggestion was made by a narrow-minded kiddie.
At the end of all this repetitious nonsense you talk about with me,
I hereby rest my case.
stupid is, what stupid does. -
ThepacTIGA wrote: »
- What Happen when the "Host" is the "H*cker"?
- What Happen when the "Host" don't like "High-RankPlayer" ?
- What Happen when the "Host" kick's you with no Reason?
- What Happen when the "Host" Kick's you, coz u stole inGame his Ace?
- What Happen when ... Whatever.. "Threadstarter" don't care this....
The host will kick everyone who steal his ACE.
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