Regarding the Replay Temp Error and the Hacking Situation

For a few days now after the patch, I can see that these are the two most subjects that threads are continuously being made. I’ve taken it upon myself to compile a bunch of quotes in which I think are very helpful, and those that were the posts the ultimately ended the thread; also known as the usually helpful ones.

Some are from myself, and some are from others. I can’t get every single useful quote; that would take up a massive amount of space. All credit goes to the writer when we’re talking about quoting. I don’t take credit for quotes that aren’t mine.

The replay temp [.rtp file] not saving

The Replay temp being gone as far as I know is being looked into. You just have to be patient, there are already numerous threads on both your statements, next time please use the search feature.
Another topic that's been repeated tons of times.

Here's what I have to say to it.

Z8Games knows we need the replay temp file back, the community knows we need the replay temp file back, everyone knows that, it's just that simple. It was probably taken out by Smilegate, the actual coders.

We have no promise that it will come back; but we can hope and expect for it to come back in the near future.

By the way, if you looked two threads down, you would have seen this.

dot wrote:
You can still SAVE the replay, just not if you decide to leave.

The hacking situation

ESLHi wrote: »
I don't know how many times this has been stated; I'll restate it for the sake of retelling the same old tale over and over [alas; OLDNEWSISSOEXCITING.png will make it's way back somehow].

XTrap deals with hacking prevention on a daily basis. They've been paying much more attention to the details now. If you think about it, we've gone very far in hacking prevention. During the earlier days of Cross Fire's Open Beta; it was open season on Cross Fire; there were at least 100 variants of dozens of different cheating aspects.

Now, we're down to just VIP cheats. Basically, hacking websites are helping us eliminate hackers by putting keylogs in the public cheats. They keylog public hackers, therefore eliminating the hacker and his account, but there is still the VIP cheaters out there that have to be dealt with.

We're taking baby steps. I stated this when the game was at it's lowest [hacker-wise] and I state it today. It's getting better, and it will keep getting better. The more XTrap works on a solution; the more they learn.

Before, I don't know if you were a veteran player or not; we had players that were ghosts in TDM, were 100% invisble while speed hacking, all while using an aimbot, rapid firing an RPK [that wasn't even released at the time], and running through walls. We've eliminated that to just shooting through walls. Speed hacking is done; over.

It will get better. The hacking situation will never be 100% resolved; that will never happen on any free to play game. As long as one person has the drive to try to get an advantage over other people by means of a hack; the hacking problem will never be solved.

Then why don't you report them?

Just because Punkbuster does a good job on other games doesn't mean that it will do good on our game. XTrap is well known across Korea [where it's from] as a pioneer in hacking prevention. They do work on a daily basis. There are tons of hacks, they've probably fixed 90% of them.

Just because Punkbuster works for other games, doesn't mean that it will perform well for us. XTrap is a well known and well recommended hacking prevention program over in Korea [where they are located], it doesn't mean that they will do the same for us. XTrap does it's best. If you were even close to a veteran player [veteran as in has played since Closed Beta], you would know that the hacking situation has improved.

We've gone from ghosts being 100% invisible with a rapid firing AWM speed hacking around the map and aimboting while shooting through walls to just kids shooting through walls. It may not be perfect, but it's a major improvement. Even now, speed hacks don't work anymore because of XTrap.

It's commonly known that public hacks steal your account info. Hacking websites use the info gotten from public hacks to tend to their VIP players. Most public hackers will get hacked very soon.

Your statement that there are hackers in every room is invalid. I personally play and don't see a cheater every game. I see them every 3 games or so. Most people either over exaggerate or are completely lying just to get recognized.

I know you're going to get mad that I stated that you're lying, but it's the complete truth. The auto ban system gets hundreds of accounts every day. The hacking situation will never be resolved. It's never going to be resolved on any game that's free to play. It's just simply that easy to make a new account.

That's why this IP restriction will help block some of the hackers from coming back. If, as the community claims, most of the cheaters are foreigners, and accounts get banned for cheating and can't come back, it will resolve the problem. That's not reality. A lot of cheaters are from North America and the UK also. It's not like cheats aren't available in the UK or NA.

At the end of the day, hacking is a problem that will always be existent, but XTrap is trying to minimize the effects, hopefully even making the game nearly hack free.
Obviously you haven't done your research. Hackers are banned permanently by the autoban system as of March of this year [the autoban system was released in late January]. 3 day bans are account investigations. One week is for glitching / bug abusing.

They do ban them forever when they catch them hacking.

&#8217 wrote: »
Once again we'll state a few things. (ninja'd by Hi once again!)

It is going to be very difficult to eliminate 100% of the hacking within the game. We take a lot of strides every day towards getting rid of as many hacks. X-Trap is patching very often, 2-3 times in the last week or so.

Not to mention that we had a problem with a certain type of hack before the last patch and now it is very difficult to find hacks that do those functions that work in our game any more.

We're aware that yes, people have shot through walls. And that this is related to a hack. In the same way that we were aware of people speeding through maps. One thing at a time, we are thankful for the hack fixes that we get and are constantly monitoring our auto detect system so that it finds the latest hacks and bans as many hackers as possible.

I just copied and pasted from a couple of threads that were made a couple days ago; I looked for the most informative and the most helpful. Please, please, please link threads to this, I’m getting sick and tired of seeing the exact same thread on a daily basis.
