Rex looking for GM clan.

Looking for a GM clan for my butter bar alt account Complicated. (with the period).

Can bhop and pinpoint when wanting/needing to play serious. Knows strats and has a mic. Learned and practiced to Bhop and pinpoint from AllStars* (or whatever their exact clan name was, the Asian one) and Pan[TH]erS.

Don't expect that to be often though since I usually play for fun.

Ping, usually under 120 all servers, so I can play anywhere. Ping is lowest (30-50) in NA servers.

Past Clans:


Past IGNs:

ComanderRex (This account which i'm posting on now known as Rex)

I usually prefer to use a silenced m4 or awm on GR, but I can buy another weapon if required. Knife or Axe as BL unless I'm fooling around/trying a new weapon.

GP weapon would be an aug.

PS: Kdr is positive on this account


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