!!!Dealing With Fake Rankers!!!

You guys ever notice those idiots who glitch the graphic on their rank to make it look like they have a higher rank, But when you look at their kills on the info tab you can tell its a fake rank. Ill give (2) real examples of players. One who hacks, and has a fake rank( I already reported them. Don't worry). And one who is legitimate.

Both are the same exact rank. Look at these stats:
(Make sure to click on the picture on imageshack so you can see the numbers easier).

Rank: Captain, Level 2
kills: 59943
Exp. 1475556
This one is the fake ranker, as you can see.

Rank: Captain, Level 2
Kills: 93777
Exp. 1454938
This one is more legitimate.

*Even though you can reset kills and Deaths, you can easily make it so people see a high ranked badge, such as General, and you could be a smile rank. :)
The question is, what exactly do we do with these people?
