Join synergy

Apply to Synergy today Clan Rank 194. Now taking applications requirements Age's 17+. Must be active, K/d positive, Above Msg 1st class, must have ping under a 120 west coast,Must be ready to 1v1 a Clan LT If Asked,Must Have Microphone, and ventrillo if u dont Know what ventrillo is or where to get it just ask a Clan Lt. Clan rules .
1. Zero tolerance Cheating Or Hacking
2. No rqing in clan match unless you all agree on it
3. All members must use ventrillo for clan war
4. Fighting will not be tolerated
5. Respect all ldrs, lts, and members
Thank You For taking the time to check us out
Reply if Your Leader and U want to unite your clan with synergy clan and become one. if your want a higher ranked clan
