


  • Racism is spreading in crossfire and people is jealous and started to cry in crossfire
    This is a problem because too much offensive :))
    so funny but i think the people racist should be banned :D
    for example: clan Lethal Inc.
    too much racist when playing a peaceful game
    when u see clans like clan Lethal Inc.
    i am sure they will kick you because : you are laggers, BR, Asian, wearing spop, playing m12s or scar light and more stupid reasons :)
    so please :D ban this clan for doing too much insults as a warning ^^
    thanks, have a good day

    Yo, i know people in that clan and no one there is racist. im sure you sign up to the clan and did nothing, but let your account set there and take up space. must clans kick you, if you didnt get at lease 20cp a week, some clans require 30cp a week.

    beside, with all the hackers in the game. some clans are only playing locked games and didnt want to play against a lagger. there just trying to keep the ping level even.
  • Yo, i know people in that clan and no one there is racist. im sure you sign up to the clan and did nothing, but let your account set there and take up space. must clans kick you, if you didnt get at lease 20cp a week, some clans require 30cp a week.

    beside, with all the hackers in the game. some clans are only playing locked games and didnt want to play against a lagger. there just trying to keep the ping level even.

    Thanks I am a new member in lethal Inc and I have experienced no one racist or mean.
  • =)) ye right, you guys can only see they start to talk shjt when they are losing
  • i hate brazilians why? because they kik me for low ping and being good.
    They dont kik their ha.ckers because they alg and they nkow they cant win so yaeh.
  • Racism is spreading in crossfire and people is jealous and started to cry in crossfire
    This is a problem because too much offensive :))
    so funny but i think the people racist should be banned :D
    for example: clan Lethal Inc.
    too much racist when playing a peaceful game
    when u see clans like clan Lethal Inc.
    i am sure they will kick you because : you are laggers, BR, Asian, wearing spop, playing m12s or scar light and more stupid reasons :)
    so please :D ban this clan for doing too much insults as a warning ^^
    thanks, have a good day

    learn to not care about what people say
    the chat is pointless anyway

    why would u care what a stranger says to you?
  • I'm not racist, I hate everyone equally :D


  • Racism is spreading in crossfire and people is jealous and started to cry in crossfire
    This is a problem because too much offensive :))
    so funny but i think the people racist should be banned :D
    for example: clan Lethal Inc.
    too much racist when playing a peaceful game
    when u see clans like clan Lethal Inc.
    i am sure they will kick you because : you are laggers, BR, Asian, wearing spop, playing m12s or scar light and more stupid reasons :)
    so please :D ban this clan for doing too much insults as a warning ^^
    thanks, have a good day

    So just because Americans voice their opinions publicly in-game you think they should be banned? Well, lets recap in-game chatter for a minute.

    Americans: They get mad because someone with over 150 ping is "tanking" their shots, to vent their anger they type in chat "br", "lagger", "tank noob" etc.

    Other (rest cf gamers): Call Americans "gringo" or "low pinger" or "hacker".

    So, if they should get banned for being "racist" then in turn should so the rest of the cf gamers that technically never were meant to play here in the first place. Also, there is a Miami server for a reason, yet is it ever used? Hardly, because gamers down south that don't speak english don't understand that "closer server=lower ping=less tanking/better registry (in theory)". FYI, don't make a thread like this ever again...