Community that's tough to please.

Geez...0 deaths (for today). A blessing?

I remember people spamming the forums, saying "my k/d ratio is ruined by hackers" and other garbage. So, what if this 0-death thing is perm? Your k/dr won't go down no more!

But now, instead of seeing threads QQing about hackers, people whine about how 0 deaths just suck. Well, didn't some of you want to keep your honorable k/dr of 2..?

Seriously. Z8 listened to your QQs and offered to help you obtain a better k/dr with hackers around. No thanks or gratitude at all? Hmm..what if they listen to the forums' sugguestion for less reskins and more "unique and new" guns? Would the majority of you whine about how useless the guns are compared to M4 or AK? And what about last patch? You guys wanted better FPS, but then whined about how awful the content was.

Why not let Z8 do what they want and stop critizing? It's impossible to please everyone. Just because you don't like what they do doesn't mean you have to cry. Instead, show some gratitude and thank Z8 for these GP guns (most GP guns in all CF versions).

By the way: X-Trap patches hacks. Z8 does not. Don't turn this into a thread crying about hacks. We have enough of those already.
