Black Market coupons... >.>

Do you think the coupon guns in the Black Market need changes?
Here's what i think should happen (remember, just my opinion. don't troll):
10-25 Coupons: maybe switch up some of the timed guns for 50% exp, Beret, Magazines, more crates xD, just general items.
50 Coupons: switch out the double axe for a perm M4 adv or maybe even a perm shovel/ Katana.
60 Coupons: I like this one. it should stay the same.
70 Coupons: Switch out one of the PSG's and bring in a deag scope or another deag.
80 Coupons: Switch out the bl00dy m4 cu.m(crystal) and bring back the kriss T.T
100 coupons: We don't need 2 gold m4's. maybe a gold/camo rpk?

This is just my opinion. I'm not complaining about the coupon guns. WE should actually be happy for what we have in this version. Other versions only have timed guns and no permanent guns. So thank you to who ever decided to put perm guns into our coupon exchange. But you know... Change is always good. No one likes to have the same stuff over and over again right? And some of the duplicates aren't really necessary.
Just my opinion. what do you think?
