*attention*hacker alert

So today i saw a guy who were blocking in in Hero mode and went mad and he started insulting me and provoking me so i did a 1v1 with him
i was owning him pretty well when he said "uuh im lagging my friend will play for me" so his friend came and shot me through wall(his username is 2Nise)at first i thought it was a lag so i kept running but then i saw that he was aimbotting so i saved the tape and reported him
this is just an alert so if u guys see him make sure to save and report(he was sure i wouldn't report him cuz of my low rank)
here are some screenie of him and his clan

look at his hs O_O

so the other hacker was saying i was walling too(he kept camping bhind the same boxes and wait till i came close to kill me(in ship map)and i 1v1'd with Monday*Kiz* who kept saying that my clan were stalking Z8 since we have CF in our clan name 0.o
