Everyone's decided to hack now?



  • Mr1mmorta1 wrote: »
    Cn's dont hack. They just use stars/spops. They are legit people, dont QQ about that. Most brs do hack all the time, and yeah.. i sometimes see NA people hack as well, but rarely.
    DUBINGRUI wrote: »
    LOL, as one of CN, I tell you 99% of us don't hack. on the contrary, SnD of Alpha Chanel 7 is one of the few chanels that are guaranteed free of hack. As long as you got CN players in the room, we vote hack out.
    GhostArch wrote: »
    And BTW, most CN player is more skillful. With certain skill level, there is no need to hack.
    HellJumper wrote: »
    Chinese don't hack,get your fact straight,they are amazing playing CF.
    No...just...no... =/
  • If the turds on the other team would just f11 then it would be ok. BUT NOOBS DONT KICK..Its getting pathetic
  • Jirde wrote: »
    Since the last patch I haven't seen any hackers in MM/HM. Might be, they moved to other modes, but cant tell cuz I mainly play MM/HM.
    So thumps up for x-trap, if it stays in that way for a while!:D

    I noticed this too.Because as soon as a hack appears and multikills a few mutants he immediately disconnects. I have only seen one hacker that managed to do multkills and stay in the room.Still not sure if this is a bug(like the zp nades etc.) causing the dc's or the autodetect system.

    Kind of funny how a week or so ago.It was the opposite HM/MM was a no go area.
  • No...just...no... =/

    they need to hop off
  • AUGarithm wrote: »
    There's American, South American, Dutch, Turkish, German, French, and Italian hackers. That's what I seen so far.

    Absolutely no Chinese, Japanese, Korean, or Vietnamese hackers. They are actually pretty good at this game...

    Could you get any smarter?

    All races from the 4 corners of this round ball we live on have hackers..even chinese.and asian and jap....
  • abandonthreadp1.gif

    No, I don't think!!!
    This kind of thread show how much people love CF:rolleyes:
  • Lol, why are so many people saying CN's don't hack? I know there's a lot of CN's that don't hack, but throughout the entire time I've been playing CF a good amount of CN's do hack. Most of alpha-7 may not, but there are a lot more CN's floating around in other channels and servers other than alpha-7 guys... Don't be so biased... Besides... CNs are the ones that started making bots, gold farming and ruined games! LOL... >_>;
  • Skiz3 wrote: »
    Lol, why are so many people saying CN's don't hack? I know there's a lot of CN's that don't hack, but throughout the entire time I've been playing CF a good amount of CN's do hack. Most of alpha-7 may not, but there are a lot more CN's floating around in other channels and servers other than alpha-7 guys... Don't be so biased... Besides... CNs are the ones that started making bots, gold farming and ruined games! LOL... >_>;
    This quote is true.
  • Jirde wrote: »
    No, I don't think!!!
    This kind of thread show how much people love CF:rolleyes:

    I stand by my post
  • I hate those nubs who spam lobby with the hack website -.-
  • lol, I love reading posts like this. Yes I have Noticed more hackers getting Bugged or autodetected in HM/MM Yeah!!!!!!!!!!! I have also notice it seems like there is a larger # of hackers overall. As to where hackers come from there is no Race/region or otherwise that doesnt have hackers admittedly More seem to be BR and BR seem to QQ the loudest when you kill them followed by turks from what I have seen. I play almost entirely GM, and as of this last patch it has definately gone more to GR's favor, anyone that plays knows what I mean and why I wont tell you. I get called/kicked for hack in 3 out of 5 games of GM I play, WHy Cause I am good I know how to pinpoint and yes for any ghosts reading this I can pinpoint you exactly its simple learn the skill. look at a players Rank before you QQ hack. and their weapons, I have spent a lot of $$ in this game and I see no reason to hack after being in military for many years and also working in Prison systems I have shot almost all the guns CF uses and I play with them ingame to learn their spread patterns once you know the general spread you can counter the spread by moving the mouse in certain directions. to all GM gr's reading this, Just cause Someone QQ hack doesnt mean that they do, I go 20-30/1-3 on a regular basis best game ever was 53 kills before a death. dont remember what the final was but it was high. and that was a while back. anymore I die numerous times just so Noobs dont QQ so hard which sucks for my KDR or I play as a ghost. get called a hack there also... lol cant win for loosing. well enough ranting

    yes there are Hacks, yes they do and can get banned but it takes effort from all of us, it doesnt take long to Save replay then upload it to media share site and then I ussually send in mine evey couple of days and have noticed many of those players dont come back.
  • Skiz3 wrote: »
    Lol, why are so many people saying CN's don't hack? I know there's a lot of CN's that don't hack, but throughout the entire time I've been playing CF a good amount of CN's do hack. Most of alpha-7 may not, but there are a lot more CN's floating around in other channels and servers other than alpha-7 guys... Don't be so biased... Besides... CNs are the ones that started making bots, gold farming and ruined games! LOL... >_>;

    this I get so tired of people saying o he has cn in his tag he must be legit! Are you kidding me? Do they hack as much as some of the worst offenders not that I noticed but I have seen cn's here and there that were blatant w/ it try a tdm if you don't believe me. Just like some hack from US/Canada those from CN do as well. With that said I will say most the 1 shotters I've seen in the last couple weeks have a 180 to 250 ping hmmm....(btw I'm talking blatant cheating not hackusations)
  • Do yu live under a rock? Chinese are the most legit people who play Crossfire. Some germans, so turks, mostly brs hack.
  • They should buy some skills, instead of buying hacks...
  • IMO they should get a better anti-cheat and hold out on the patchs for now... lots of people are going to quit the game if they don't try and somehow.... win the battle against the hackers lol
  • AUGarithm wrote: »
    Absolutely no Chinese, Japanese, Korean, or Vietnamese hackers.

    Not true, I was at an almost all Chinese internet cafe and there were people glitching and hacking CF (DNA richmond internet cafe for those that live in Vancouver).

    Myth busted that CN dont hack.
  • Mr1mmorta1 wrote: »
    Cn's dont hack. They just use stars/spops. They are legit people, dont QQ about that. Most brs do hack all the time, and yeah.. i sometimes see NA people hack as well, but rarely.
    hmm not really i saw 3-4 cn's hacking so it doesnt mean that only cn's are legits.
  • I don't understand why there's so many people complaining, there's almost no hacks out right now. I think I've seen 5 hackers since 20th of March, an I play almost everyday.
  • I don't understand why there's so many people complaining, there's almost no hacks out right now. I think I've seen 5 hackers since 20th of March, an I play almost everyday.

    i played this games 8+ hours aday this game i full will cheaters.
    i dont care anymore about this game it has no future.
  • Mr1mmorta1 wrote: »
    Cn's dont hack. They just use stars/spops. They are legit people, dont QQ about that. Most brs do hack all the time, and yeah.. i sometimes see NA people hack as well, but rarely.

    Your an idiot, thats sterotypical and you can't base your assumptions on who does and doesn't hack based solely on their nationality. Some people I swear lol
  • OOOh...
    Vacations are the worst time to play...
    I will not play in summer vacations cuz i know this game is to forget during that time.
    In weekend we get this full of stupid kids so ***in happyyy to hack till midnight!!
    Z8 WONT CARE ABOUT HACKERS(until they are more than 50% of players), THEY JUSt WANT UR MONEY...

    Vote YES on BAN PERMANENTLY ACCOUNTS(tired to report golden weapons users over and over again).
  • Chibi_Usa wrote: »
    i played this games 8+ hours aday this game i full will cheaters.
    i dont care anymore about this game it has no future.

    You really played for 8 hours? Get some sun. O.o
    And no, not that many people hack, you only need something to blame your deaths on.
  • Only seen 1 and 1/2 hacker. 1st was shooting through the map, and he got kicked. The other MIGHT have been a 1 shot kill. But i can't confirm that.
  • Your an idiot, thats sterotypical and you can't base your assumptions on who does and doesn't hack based solely on their nationality. Some people I swear lol

    cough ik what is skill from hacking so dont call me that i m idiot because this is allready a insult.read the rules.it says respect forum members and i m sure that i saw them hacking so dont talk what u dont know ok?
  • You really played for 8 hours? Get some sun. O.o
    And no, not that many people hack, you only need something to blame your deaths on.

    lmao my k/d wat 4.0 m8 4 months ago i made a forum post to farm me up ... i gave free kills .

    yesterday i played with a winchester on egypt.
    trust me if i play i play and try to kill me ...

    i just say this game is full with cheats and i do know what im talking about.
  • Chibi_Usa wrote: »
    lmao my k/d wat 4.0 m8 4 months ago i made a forum post to farm me up ... i gave free kills .

    yesterday i played with a winchester on egypt.
    trust me if i play i play and try to kill me ...

    i just say this game is full with cheats and i do know what im talking about.

    So... You're saying that this game is bad, while you're using STAR and Armor, while whining about hacks, getting legit players kicked?
  • Yep hacking has gone worser. If they installed hack protection it can protect any hack will not go worse. Yet if it did then more people will hack. I just hope they arrest this loser hack maker. >:(
  • So... You're saying that this game is bad, while you're using STAR and Armor, while whining about hacks, getting legit players kicked?

    another whiner while i do donate into this game lmao donate your self and buy some your self.
    indeed of earning free zp.

    you need armour in this game yes else those noob m4 sprayers kill you to easy