my response to the QQers

a lot of people are 'QQing' about the new patch.




those are the topics i'll be commenting on at this time. (excluding the sarcastic "qqqqqq")

1.) the font isnt that bad, i saw it, its just a little less wide than before. its just as easy to read. The people ask for more and the coders give it to them. we asked for it as a whole. if you didn't comment on it when it was being discussed then don't complain when it comes out. I am new to the forums so i don't know if the font or ghost visibility was discussed but if it was and you didnt take part in the discussion then don't complain. if it wasnt then just find a solution for it, don't rage about it.

2.) the ghosts being completely visible in the light and smoke is not a problem at all. I've been playing since shortly after suba started hosting crossfire and i've seen way too many people in gm's as bl that "fail" at it. i mean they have absolutly no business on bl in gm's. if you are one of these people that cant handle bhopping past the smoke/light or cant handle just staying away from it then dont play bl! play gr! it makes gr's job so much easier anyway! play gr and get kicked and haccused. but dont play bl and complain that you cant camp anymore. as an experienced bl gmer i know that even before this patch it was best to keep moving no matter what. especially when theres a hacker. unless you are camping the bomb... BHOP AROUND! dont plant in light. and dont plant when there are people around.

The coders work hard to keep this game up-to-date and to keep it to the majorities preferences. if you arent part of the majority that asked or agreed for these changes then just dont complain. deal with it.

as far as the gm "problem", get some skill or dont play as bl.


  • completely agree with the ghostmode bit :rolleyes:
  • ya i doubt anyone is gonna agree that the font isnt that bad >.> people seem to not be able to adapt to changes... tbh i think i can adapt to the new font because i play cf china sometimes and thats the font there as well so im used to it =þ
  • first this new font is sucks and makes my eye tired... the first was good and wasnt need to adjust, about ghosts this game mode is unbalanced for both teams any way and needs to be fully adjusted !
  • you're right, the font didnt NEED to be adjusted, however, it doesnt need to be fixed back... if you cant read it thats your problem. download a client side fix.

    the ghost mode isn't unbalanced. its only unbalanced if you cant bhop. learn to bhop and not sit in the light and you're good to go. most gr players can't play anyway and are blind as bats so the light doesnt affect them. honestly i already got around 30 kills a game NOT TRYING in as gr. so the light makes my kills higher than that NOT TRYING. if i were to have to pinpoint and use the light my kills would be significantly higher. i played CFPH for a while and the light is the same there and i got used to it very fast. honestly if you cant handle not sitting in light and not camping then you have no business ghosting at all. as gr the game is too easy now because of the low skill level of most players on bl. as bl the game is only hard when there is a hacker that doesnt hide his hacks... i can handle 2 hackers as long as they try to hide the hack. if a hacker kills me from accross the map then im out of luck but if he hides it and doesnt kill me unless i move irradically then im fine.

    learn to bhop and not sit in light and you will be fine... thats my main argument on this matter.
  • I totaly agree whit this.But the font still sucks lmao
  • lol you should get used to it, i did within an hr of playing idk why you guys cant get used to it.
  • zirracus wrote: »
    a lot of people are 'QQing' about the new patch.




    those are the topics i'll be commenting on at this time. (excluding the sarcastic "qqqqqq")

    1.) the font isnt that bad, i saw it, its just a little less wide than before. its just as easy to read. The people ask for more and the coders give it to them. we asked for it as a whole. if you didn't comment on it when it was being discussed then don't complain when it comes out. I am new to the forums so i don't know if the font or ghost visibility was discussed but if it was and you didnt take part in the discussion then don't complain. if it wasnt then just find a solution for it, don't rage about it.

    2.) the ghosts being completely visible in the light and smoke is not a problem at all. I've been playing since shortly after suba started hosting crossfire and i've seen way too many people in gm's as bl that "fail" at it. i mean they have absolutly no business on bl in gm's. if you are one of these people that cant handle bhopping past the smoke/light or cant handle just staying away from it then dont play bl! play gr! it makes gr's job so much easier anyway! play gr and get kicked and haccused. but dont play bl and complain that you cant camp anymore. as an experienced bl gmer i know that even before this patch it was best to keep moving no matter what. especially when theres a hacker. unless you are camping the bomb... BHOP AROUND! dont plant in light. and dont plant when there are people around.

    The coders work hard to keep this game up-to-date and to keep it to the majorities preferences. if you arent part of the majority that asked or agreed for these changes then just dont complain. deal with it.

    as far as the gm "problem", get some skill or dont play as bl.

    This is just your opninion. The forum is made for " QQs " :) why else we would be here?
  • The stupid QQer's complain about everything. The new font makes fps higher. And if you cant adapt to the new font then that's pathetic, it's still easy to read lol.
  • FanaticMan wrote: »
    The stupid QQer's complain about everything. The new font makes fps higher. And if you cant adapt to the new font then that's pathetic, it's still easy to read lol.

    Font isnt supposed to affect FPS but in CF it does which is stupid. The coding in this game is horrible.
  • completely agree on both the FONT and gm situation.

    i personally like it because it's increased my FPS.... which i would rather have than some other font thats takes some of my FPS away.
  • i like the font (even tho it does'nt improve my fps at all)
  • you right about the noobies complaining about the GR's killing the BL's because there Bunny Hop is weak.

    But this is a big world and your all was going to have QQ's about something if not everything.