Need some tips/ stats (spray pattern) for the QBZ-95

Before you tell me that m4 or ak are better, or any other gun, know that i do have an m4(custom) already and an ak(silver) already... I just got bored of these for now and want to get a qbz as soon as i have enough money again (dam 500+ useless crates only 1 tommy). If for some reason you're wondering what i do have, you can search me up but just change the places of L and E in my name(go figure).

Before buying one though, i just want some more info about it like its optimal range(some say close and others say far - which are both good cause i don't do well midranged o.O). If someone could please post a picture of the spray pattern(crouched, standing, moving, etc) and also some tips to using the qbz i'd really appreciate it.

to sum it up, if someone can get me some spray patterns for qbz or let me use one without hs me all the time, i'd like them very much :D
