Additions to Honor, Desertion and TeamKill

As of right now Honor has absolutely no impact on you playing CF. Shouldn't it be more implemented into the game? Maybe this will stop people from teamkilling on purpose and stop people from abusing the 30sec re-respawn in SnD and GM.

So how about this: the item shop should have a section for Average or above honors, providing some high rank guns (so that Trainees who just started playing can't make purchases from this section despite having 0 teamkills and 0 desertions). Of course, this should be implemented as a bonus rather than being a shop where you can get the best of guns. Instead of awesome guns like M12s being supplied here, it should be more like perm reskins. As I said, it shouldn't give players a huge benefit but a little rewarding experience.

Also, I recommend giving out a Ribbon for Very Good, Good or Average honor. I know it may seem dumb as honor can change multiple times depending on rank and other factors. But of course, ribbons are only a little special recognition: it's optional for players to get this or not.

The addition of a Ribbon like this could also bring in more ZP items (so CrossFire doesn't die out) like separate resets for teamkill and desertion. (TeamKill reset should cost more as teamkills impact honor a lot more.)

Just an idea. :)


  • Since the current system goes by simple number of desertions and TK's if you play often enough for enough time everyone eventually ends up with bad honor. If something like this were implemented then your honor should be calculated based on the number of desertions and TK's vs the number of total matches and number of kills. This would make the stat more meaningful. Remember that they can't (or shouldn't) make a currently BROKEN stat like honor actually count for something in game.
  • mxr229 wrote: »
    Since the current system goes by simple number of desertions and TK's if you play often enough for enough time everyone eventually ends up with bad honor. If something like this were implemented then your honor should be calculated based on the number of desertions and TK's vs the number of total matches and number of kills. This would make the stat more meaningful. Remember that they can't (or shouldn't) make a currently BROKEN stat like honor actually count for something in game.
    I had 0 desertions and 0 teamkills before until Staff Sergeant
    Then I got pushed off a map, error code [blah be blah] and earned myself a desertion

    On all of my accounts, I never leave a game unless I have to go or something for many reasons, such as getting end-game replays (watch pros play to learn) and getting as much exp as possible. Therefore, if people stop leaving games (to respawn again or rage quit), they'll end up with above Average honor. It's not broken in my opinion. It's just that people try to take advantage of other features that lead them to bad honor.
  • Well I would say yes to this if you could reset them because alt of people already have like a ton.
  • No. Just No. Would you like it when its 13 rounds SnD/GM and a hacker is automatically on the other side while they are not kicking? If people are going for the honour, then they won't leave. That is a way of making the hackers happy. Just a bad idea. Also, only a few of people teamnades, and most of the time it is not on purpose. Its just a random throw, and it accidently hit your team mate when he had low hp. Just no. Bad Idea.
  • Mr1mmorta1 wrote: »
    No. Just No. Would you like it when its 13 rounds SnD/GM and a hacker is automatically on the other side while they are not kicking? If people are going for the honour, then they won't leave. That is a way of making the hackers happy. Just a bad idea. Also, only a few of people teamnades, and most of the time it is not on purpose. Its just a random throw, and it accidently hit your team mate when he had low hp. Just no. Bad Idea.
    Most hackers are bad always, and in the near future, hacks will be very limited
    (if Challenge Mode is to come, hackers will be elminated or else we will worship them for helping us win against the hordes)

    Your whole argument is decided with the appearence of hackers... As for teamkilling, you should see my bros on one of their trolling accounts. They'll go in same team, block snipers (block their view as well as their invading their personal space) and throws nades at people who they think are close to dying. As ghpsts they bait other players, and if they die, they give out locations of ghosts. On GR, they give ppl broken FN MINIMI and M60 or completely takes their guns (one of their bags have nuffin).