NormsFamily (clan) vs WHYKICK

The Clan NormsFamily (ranked 49,469) antagonized most of West coast server today (09/03/11) with a display of childish goading and racist banter (using Mexican as a derogatory term etc.).

Claiming to be 'pro's' (and with pings lower than 100) they condescended to many players in a smug and self-satisfied manner. My account seemed to be the target for most of this abuse (voting for no reason and other bully tactics), I challenged them to a match in Alaska and vs'd their leader 'thenorm' and '*NormsLILsis'.

They where destroyed by myself and player '.___iN*' in a 2v2 9 round match; final score was 9-1.

The replay can be found here for you viewing pleasure: (697.04 KB)

So if you see NormsFamily and they are talking trash and bullying people, just remind them that they got owned! :)


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