Why Z8Games wont Ban Brazilian Players?

Why Z8Games wont Ban Brazilian Players?:confused: The answer is simple!

The fact that they are allowing Brazilian players to play this game is what destroying our game play.

If they Ban Brazilian players this game would be much, much more enjoyable because 50% or more of the hackers that you will see in this games comes from Brazil.

Then you have to ask your self, Why would Z8Games give server access to Brazilians when they are so far away. Simple, To Make More Money! The Brazilian government has ban most other FPS Games and Z8Games is taking full Advantage of this because they know everyone from Brazil would flock to CrossFire. :eek:

Z8Games do not care how much they hack, spam or make other players Gaming Experience a Living Hell because they are making More Money. This a business for Z8Games and making money is what a Business does or it will Fail. ;)


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