Dual Kriss Super V Prototype + Thompson M1928(GP Version)

My Dual Kriss idea came from Project Blackout, but here's the thing, it's weak as a 9mm MP5K and not as strong as a UMP45, so it wouldn't be as OP'd, the prototype part is not part of it, but what I made up, the prototype Kriss Super V is able to fire at 1500 RPM, beating the Vector SMG since it has 1000 RPM in firing speed, but it probably wouldn't be as stable though... I am not sure the prototypes are able to fire .40 S&W just like the Kriss Super V today, but the prototypes are loaded with .45 ACP....


Firepower: Between MP7 and MP5
Accuracy: Lower than Kriss Super V
Automatic: Faster than Kriss Super V
Recoil: Higher than Kriss Super V
Weight: Heavier than Kriss Super V
Clip: 30/90, 30/120, or 35/105, or 40/120

Thompson M1928, this is a Thompson, but with a 35 clip round for GP in the item mall, price? I don't know what price it would be....


Firepower: Thompson or lower
Accuracy: Thompson
Automatic: Thompson
Recoil: Thompson or lower
Weight: Lighter than Thompson
Clip: 35/105


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