New League Open! WCGN!

Hello fellow CF players. I would like to (as a WCGN Staff) like to announce that a new league has opened its doors for all players on the four corners of the world! Whats the name of the league you may ask? The name is WCGN (World Competitive Gaming Network). Like other leagues out there, we us Ventrilo as our main source of communication and to hold weekly drafts. Now I know that in the past, there were speculations about another league whos name I will not mention but fear not! We are a legit league. WCGN is currently hiring the following staff postitions, Director, Advertiser, Moderator, Draft Staff and GFX Designers. For more info about what WCGN entails and what it has in store, please visit our website, for more info about the league! For any questions about staff positions, or for a application, please private message any of the administrators for more info! So spread the word and be sure to check back for updates about when we will be hosting our first draft!
