New Mode : Capture the flag

Most Of you already know this much First person shootters have this mode this is how it works :

2 Teams [Gr = blue/Bl= red ]
2 Vlags [red+ blue ]

both teams are trying to capture the flag of the other team

kill / death sysytem like escape mode

capture flag : 1-3 kils [more players more kils ]
returning flag : 1 kil

The flag doesnt have to be an flag, it could also be an box or somting.

The team which has the most captures wins or 2 games first bl set a score then gr try to break it just like escape mode

and the best part the Cn /Vn /Krn versions doesnt have it so we have somting new

Maps are easy we could use normal td maps which are equal both sides like ship and train
