Your rankings of the CF Snipers

I'm mainly asking for how you view the snipers compared to each other.
My Views:

1st: AWM(all varients) - One shot kill to everywhere but the legs, decently long reload(not too long), double zoom, fairly easy to learn bolt action rythmn, slow movement speed, long switch to animation

2nd MSG90 - Semi Auto sniper, does damage in the low to high 90s constantly, fastest fire rate of all current snipers, fast movement speed, fast reload speed, fast switch to animation, crate gun

3rd PSG-1 Red Dragon - Semi Auto sniper, large mag size, medium reload speed, good fire rate, coupon gun

4th DSR-1 - One shot kill(same as AWM), long reload speed, only one high magnification zoom, ability to remain in scope between shots, decent fire rate, slow movement speed, long switch to animation, very expensive

5th Dragunov - can one shot kill(not consistantly), medium reload speed, fast bolt cycle between shots, double zoom, can be inaccurate, decently accurate outside scope

6th M700 - Two shot kill, large mag size, double zoom, very fast movement speed, fast bolt cycle between shots, very accurate outside of scope for a sniper,free/default sniper

7th PSG-1 - "Semi Auto" sniper, medium reload speed, delay between shots in scope/slow fire rate, temp from crates(alaska's PSG-1 is buffed to be able to do one shot kills)

Now tell me you guys opinions on these snipers and if you agree with me or not.
