-187- is back

As you know 187 is back ran by cell block and Ace

We are looking forward to s3 and will be picking up players for it our s5 is not made ... we just started a couple of days ago and will be making cuts after s5 create ... it will be decide on later.

-Ventrilo and Mic is a must
-good game sense
-no QQing
-positive kdr {no duhh xD]
- follows calls and can help with idea of starts
-Have under an 80 ping.
-Don't rage.
-Don't be a GPS.
-Don't be 14.
-Don't have an EGO.

A tryout will be needed in a scrim format.
If interested in joining plz contact myself or a lt,apply,or simply reply to this thread


PS plz keep ur rage and negitive post to urself.cause we all know...everyone always has something rude to say in these forums...rofl.

