To SportDemon91 AKA SportMunzta

First off, I'm gonna advise nobody to join the #Breath clan. It sucks @ss, and the only reason people join is for the ZP. And to get to that, it's a lie. Sport just lies about the zp to get people to join, which, to be honest, when they find out is a lie, everyone will leave ( hopefully ).

Now, I knew it was a lie from the beginning, but, now that I have proof that it's a lie, I want that clan to disband, and for Sport to burn in hell. It's been 2 weeks since I had everything required for the zp, and he kept saying next week, next week. Well, it's next week, so when I asked him for the zp, he never responded.
tl;dr Sportmunzta is terrible at leading clans, terrible at CF, and the ZP is a lie, to motivate people to join his clan
On a side note, Sport is probably the WORST player in CF history ( even worse than me, SHOCKINGGGG ). I have one SS of him going 0-2 when the rest of us are scores like 12-0 against these Germans who barely know how to walk. And trust me, if you ever play with Sport, you'll know how bad he is. He's got no gamesense, his shot is terrible, he runs across the map like it's his first day of an FPS game. His shot is worse than anyone I've ever seen, like if he comes from behind, he'll try to spray and end up getting 360 1 clicked.

He's a terrible leader, can't follow/call strats, can't hold a site, and doesn't know how to plant the bomb.
This is him on a good day, while wearing spop and using scrub weapons.

tl;dr Sportmunzta is terrible at leading clans, terrible at CF, and the ZP is a lie, to motivate people to join his clan

P.S. I'm doing this because Lefix, AKA [Q]ibot( his alt ) didn't do it yet.


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