Just an Opinion

Dear Community

There are a couple of things I would like to address with this post. The content of this post is purely a personal opinion, based on the experience I’ve built up with Crossfire since 2009. I’ve been playing off an on ever since with breaks of upto 6 months. If you do give feedback on anything mentioned in this post, or criticism on a personal opinion, please make it constructive criticism at the very least. The goal I have in mind for this post is
nothing in particular, I just want to voice my opinion on several areas concerning the game.

When I started playing this game I had little experience with First Person Shooters, nonetheless I got addicted with the fast-paced gameplay. Soon after I joined a clan and experienced clan wars and the fun a clan can provide you. Almost reaching the captain rank with an average K/D of 2.2-2.4 perhaps reflects the experience I have. Though anyone that knows me knows I have my flaws, I can sometimes rage like no other when I die .. nonetheless greatly enjoying this game and I still do decent.

During my career in Crossfire I’ve met many friends and foes, with whom I’ve always enjoyed playing. The people that know me in Crossfire know I can sometimes really get stressed which creates the most hilarious ventrilo chats. Ask any senior member in Pubstarz.

Let me begin with my clan, my homebase in Crossfire. Pubstarz doesn’t seem to carry a good image throughout the community and I have never understood why people got so anti-pubstarz. Pubstarz back in the days was an awesome clan, with alot of players who were awesome to play with, no only skill-wise, but also as partner in crime. Due to the fact that pubstarz always had around 90 members you saw (just like with any other clan I assume) small groups of friends being formed. Friends who got to know each other and became teams, you knew what you had on each other. I myself was also part of a small group, mainly senior members who I could really get along with and, most of all, enjoyed playing with.

The Game
Though most of today’s community doesn’t know me (well), I’ve been active in all areas of the game. Whether it’s public games, drafts, clan matches and briefly on these forums. I consider myself a decent player, though I just came back from another break, I’m re-discovering my skills again. I do my daily missions, have fun in team deathmatches aswell as S&D. To conclude, I’m just trying to enjoy the game again.

Crossfire has been going through a whole lot of changes since the beginning, usually good changes. With the coming of new content always comes new challenges to pursue, and I’m definately the kind of player that always looks for new challenges. Aside from new content the game has been going through several stages of massive hacking. Just like it is right now.

I’m not going to judge the players on these forums, or the players ingame. But the fact that you turn to hacks to enjoy a game makes you a pathetic player in my eyes. The fact that the company running this game constantly gets bombed with the blame of not pulling enough strings to make the game a hack-free game, doesn’t make it easier. The company has constantly shown they are trying the best they can to avoid players from turning to hacks, from massive bannings to new hack prevention. So far X-Trap has shown only in brief periods that they are capable to prevent hacks being used in Crossfire.

There is one point of criticism I do throw to the developers and/or Z8Games. Ban periods are too short, if you are caught glitching, hacking or using anything to give yourself as player an advantage over other players you should be banned permanently. Yes there are groups of players that know workarounds on bans. But why not make the account inactive, workaround or not, if an account has been suspended or put on inactive a player is unable to log into that account again. Oh and for the record, though ZP items do give an advantage over other players, it’s only a minor advantage. Skill still prevails.

I’m still writing and I’m still unsure where this post is gonna go, but like I said, I’m just voicing my opinion on certain things. Crossfire is a great game with great potential and a decent organisation behind it. Roaming the forums really makes me wonder what the average age of a Crossfire player is, there is way too much poison being spread on these forums, in terms of bashing each other, flaming each other or just plain spam. I still wonder what thoughts some people have when they write a post which is pretty much a duplicate of a thread before.

I know this post is long and will be considered ‘a wall of text’ which most people won’t read, not to mention the fact that an hour after this is posted, it’s on the second or third page.

I’m just gonna say one last thing. Though I hear many players saying this game sucks, too many hackers, ridiculous pings or overpowered ZP items and what not, you’re still here, you’re still reading this. Why not try a more positive approach, come with good constructive suggestions to make this game better. If Z8Games is doing their part, you as loyal player should do the same. Enjoy the game and praise the positive things in this game, there’s more then plenty of it.

Yours Sincerely,

