Romania clan minus 10500 points.

on 16 september, a day which will live in infamy, doing some update on website, z8 took 10200 clan points from Romania Clan points. This took us directly from rank 2, with 200 points distance to Snypers, to rank 3, with 7800 clan points under Destruidores

give us our points back, we earned them. enough with this kind of "mistakes" that affect my clan. everybody has all the points, we have 10.000 less. this is totally unfair.

so on 15 september we had 54882 and on 16 september we had 44684. lot of people asks me ingame why did i loose so many points in 1 day. I tell them is a bug and i filled a ticket. no answer 3 days at that ticket, and after that a copy/paste answer, not saying anything and nothing happened with our points.

9 september:
(i don't have screenshot on 15 september but 9 september should be fine, we cannot loose 10.000 points in 7 says ;) we can earn more actually )
16 september:

to help z8 understand this: after our clan was deleted few months ago, there have always been a difference between points log tab and total points. now they are the same.

Romania clan leader


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