LPK Looking for a League Starter



  • iiTwAsLucK wrote: »

    Because I don't think Lifeline is the best team in the game I'm instantly a LPK fanboy?
    I like their style of play and I like the roster they had.

    Fanboy was the wrong word, biased against LL was more what I was looking for.
    Your explanation doesn't account for the hate against LL (and Trio) in the past. Though I will admit i've seen you post positive things about us, i've also seen you turn around and post the exact opposite.

    So here is what I am saying:

    Make up your mind. The reason I even responded is because of this fence you walk on. Either admit that you have nothing against LL (and stop posting anything negative) or admit that you don't like us and I will stop responding.

    The same goes for SuccesTroll and YouallBlow, either you like us or you don't, but make up your mind. Though I know they don't like Minty or Control.
  • the entire lifeline roster has absolutely NO previous gaming experience in any game, that's why they lost and that is also why the community needs to move on.

    Yet our entire roster is better than you at CF and source? Odd how that works out.

    I guess I should add in the fact that the highlighted area is incorrect.
  • Kahlann wrote: »
    Yet our entire roster is better than you at CF and source? Odd how that works out.

    I guess I should add in the fact that the highlighted area is incorrect.

    Kahlan is one of my favorite CF players. When I hung around LL vent a lot I used to pub TDM with him and he'd get 70, 80, even 100 kills. And he'd have 15 deaths at the most. Yet every death, he had the funniest rage :).

    Kahlan no more posts. Your post count is 1337 ;)
  • appreciate the bumps but lets keep it on topic, still looking forthe right players if you think you have what it takes pm us.
  • you're better than my group of random people, individually i stomp your entire team at source.

    Considering you couldn't win 1v1s while you were geared AND our entire team besides Mickeyes plays Source once every 2-3 months AND it was you and your team who were mad because we had just won a half in CF and wanted to play us in a 'real' game, I consider you to be bad at Source.

    Kahlan no more posts. Your post count is 1337 ;)

    Opps. = =

    0zz wrote: »
    appreciate the bumps but lets keep it on topic, still looking forthe right players if you think you have what it takes pm us.

    You're right, i'm done.
  • oh right that one off client scrim that was getting paused every second. we weren't a team, i just got random kids off my xfire... half of which weren't even communicating because they were busy listening to music in other vents.

    i think my point of you not knowing anything about competitive play has been proven.

    Why so many excuses? The Lions got screwed Sunday because of a dumb interpretation of a rule, so the Bears won. The Lions can go on and on about why they lost, but when its all said and done, Bears are 1-0, Lions 0-1. You make too many excuses.
  • Kahlann wrote: »
    Fanboy was the wrong word, biased against LL was more what I was looking for.
    Your explanation doesn't account for the hate against LL (and Trio) in the past. Though I will admit i've seen you post positive things about us, i've also seen you turn around and post the exact opposite.

    So here is what I am saying:

    Make up your mind. The reason I even responded is because of this fence you walk on. Either admit that you have nothing against LL (and stop posting anything negative) or admit that you don't like us and I will stop responding.

    The same goes for SuccesTroll and YouallBlow, either you like us or you don't, but make up your mind. Though I know they don't like Minty or Control.

    Baised against LL?
    More like bitter. Due to wogl's awful setup we were matched against lifeline while our opponents were matched against an worse team and due to that we were unable to move on to the WOGL P playoff spot.
    Honestly, I think Minty is a top 3 player in the game easily.
    I like blitzd, and appreciate all the help he gave us while dealing with the WOGL staff when lolocaust was incorrectly banned thus making our team DQ'd.
    I have known control since before his name was X, and he is a great guy who I have watched turn from shiit into a great player, and I respect him for it.
    Phubez is a raging feggot who I dislike, I won't lie I've never liked him and I doubt I ever will. Used to cheat / got cut from lumi.
    You Kahlan, were easily my favorite player from Trio (even over bruce) and I've always admired you both in-game and on the forums.

    I'm not trying to suck LL's ****s but nor do I hate them. I recognize that you are a good team, and I'm not trying to belittle that or take it away... it just gets old when people say WHY SHOULD WE EVEN TRY LIFELINE WILL JUST WIN.
    Well guess what, lifeline didn't win. They came close but in the end they weren't the best team in the game.

    As for me, you know what I'm capable of as much as I know what you are capable of. If I remember correctly in the thread that followed our wogl match I stated that it appeared as though you lost skill, while you retorted that I must have done the same. I played poorly, and I lost, and I was a little bit upset about it. The fact of the matter is that you are better than me. I'm not going to bring in pings or hardware or anything like that, you are simply better than me.

    I can see why you might think I'm trying to rip on lifeline or whatnot, and I can assure you I hold no lasting resentment, but as for your trio comments I have no idea what you are talking about.
    Trio was a great squad, and besides a few ill exchanged words with popz when he was having a bad game I can't recall anytime I have ever insulted or provoked you / Trio.

    Kind of forgot what else I was going to say. Xfire me if you want, making forum drama isn't necessary on LPK's thread.
  • Kahlann wrote: »
    You're right, i'm done.
    I lied.

    oh right that one off client scrim that was getting paused every second. we weren't a team, i just got random kids off my xfire... half of which weren't even communicating because they were busy listening to music in other vents.

    i think my point of you not knowing anything about competitive play has been proven.

    I wasn't talking about your team, I was talking about you. You were the one who wanted to play us in Source, and you were the one who did terrible against people who barely touch it. You lost geared rounds against us 4-2, you lost nearly every 1v1 (even if there was more players alive) and you were complete trash.

    You also lost the half on CF.

    And that isn't even going into how little we cared about playing you on source, the only person who wanted to really win was Roth.

    Basically, you are trash at CF and trash at source. Your window of opportunity to prove me wrong has passed.

    Oh, and you're bad at M.A.T.

    Edit: All right, I understand now. Sorry about that Luck.

    Sorry for hijacking this thread to, i'm done for good now despite what the best player in the game retorts with.
  • Kahlann wrote: »
    Fanboy was the wrong word, biased against LL was more what I was looking for.
    Your explanation doesn't account for the hate against LL (and Trio) in the past. Though I will admit i've seen you post positive things about us, i've also seen you turn around and post the exact opposite.

    So here is what I am saying:

    Make up your mind. The reason I even responded is because of this fence you walk on. Either admit that you have nothing against LL (and stop posting anything negative) or admit that you don't like us and I will stop responding.

    The same goes for SuccesTroll and YouallBlow, either you like us or you don't, but make up your mind. Though I know they don't like Minty or Control.

    can't someone just dislike a team for one reason or another? i personally prefer LPK's style of play, but i prefer the players in LL, even though LPK is a better team, that doesnt mean LL is bad in any way. you can have positive AND negative opinions about any team, no reason to be mad
  • Look the people that are saying LL blows because they lost need to realize they got further than them.

    I will agree they were a little over rated but in the end lpk won.

    true Story.

  • Kahlann wrote: »
    Oh, and you're bad at M.A.T.

    M.A.T. is a lot of fun :).. once they fix the reg issues and a few other issues that I noticed it'll be a good game...

    @topic GL finding a good player
  • xfamOusx wrote: »
    M.A.T. is a lot of fun :).. once they fix the reg issues and a few other issues that I noticed it'll be a good game...

    @topic GL finding a good player

    It's not reg issues. The shot is based off ping, so you have to lead your shots a distance depending on your ping in order to hit.
  • considering i am better than you, me being trash resorts to you being what?

    who cares how someone fragged in a ringer no communication no teamwork game being paused at rounds scrim? i still don't understand why you think you're better than me at source? it honestly shows your true colors of knowing NOTHING about anything competitive and trying to judge if you're better or not off of something like that. try judging on who has more experience, or who has placed at lans.

    Are you seriously implying that small tournament lans = competitive gaming?

    If that is the case then I guess I can throw in my win as 2v2 golden eye, 3rd place 1v1 golden eye, 4th place smash brothers ffa and 4th place perfect dark. Not to mention the 1.5 and CoD1 lans. Why not throw in my 2nd place 1v1 sniper win on MoH?

    As for your competive leagues, the only ones I played in for Source was TWL (lol) and CAL-O.


    TwL was played for jokes in the 5v5 we went 23-0 and the 3v3 pistols we went 6-0 before stopping it all together.
    For Cal, we were 7-0 before we beat a 'supposed' half Cal-I reform team and they reported one of our players. He got banned for 'obvious trigger bot' and 'walling at the start of each round'.

    We quit after that and I stopped playing any leagues.

    Now lets hear about your 3rd place in a single Lan against bad players and your shi.tastic career as an unknown bad source player who hasn't gone anywhere.
  • Kahlann wrote: »
    Are you seriously implying that small tournament lans = competitive gaming?

    If that is the case then I guess I can throw in my win as 2v2 golden eye, 3rd place 1v1 golden eye, 4th place smash brothers ffa and 4th place perfect dark. Not to mention the 1.5 and CoD1 lans. Why not throw in my 2nd place 1v1 sniper win on MoH?

    As for your competive leagues, the only ones I played in for Source was TWL (lol) and CAL-O.


    TwL was played for jokes in the 5v5 we went 23-0 and the 3v3 pistols we went 6-0 before stopping it all together.
    For Cal, we were 7-0 before we beat a 'supposed' half Cal-I reform team and they reported one of our players. He got banned for 'obvious trigger bot' and 'walling at the start of each round'.

    We quit after that and I stopped playing any leagues.

    Now lets hear about your 3rd place in a single Lan against bad players and your shi.tastic career as an unknown bad source player who hasn't gone anywhere.
  • treneyeZ wrote: »
    Itwasluck - Overrated.
    Euro's - Underrated.

    treni most overrated black player
  • Try me in a echo 8 scrim. I r4pe nerds.
    Underrated player fyi.
  • nothing impressive.

    5v5 css lanapalooza 2009 4th place. head 2 head games quake 3 2nd, 3rd. LANageddon playoff's source 2007. cevo-amatuer, playing next season of cevo-o with a new team.

    nice lan experience. super mash brothers at your friends house isn't lanning kid. fact is you still think you're better than me at a game i am obviously better than you at; whether it's source or crossfire.

    you're so full of yourself tasty and hardly have any proof at all
  • nothing impressive.

    5v5 css lanapalooza 2009 4th place. head 2 head games quake 3 2nd, 3rd. LANageddon playoff's source 2007. cevo-amatuer, playing next season of cevo-o with a new team.

    nice lan experience. super mash brothers at your friends house isn't lanning kid. fact is you still think you're better than me at a game i am obviously better than you at; whether it's source or crossfire.

    >Smash brothers for 64 and cube weren't played competitively.
    >You haven't gone double or more negatives in any screenshots or games i've played you in.
    >You haven't lost more games against me than you've won.
    >You are good.

    I fuc.kin lol'd.

    I'll tell you what, kid, when you finally get good at a game after everyone else has left it, hit me up. Until then, enjoy being bad at every game you play.

    Oh, and stop being so bad. You're embarrassing yourself.
  • nothing impressive.

    5v5 css lanapalooza 2009 4th place. head 2 head games quake 3 2nd, 3rd. LANageddon playoff's source 2007. cevo-amatuer, playing next season of cevo-o with a new team.

    nice lan experience. super mash brothers at your friends house isn't lanning kid. fact is you still think you're better than me at a game i am obviously better than you at; whether it's source or crossfire.

    thats nice, didn't know 4th place at a basement lan is good
This discussion has been closed.