Badge System discussion

The upcoming patch is will be bringing us a brand new feature for Cross Fire.

Source: CF Xfire Page Here.

The Badge System

Are you a run-and-gun style player? Or a sit-back and snipe players from afar? Now you can show off your play style in an upcoming patch with the new Cross Fire Badge System.

Badges are awarded to players for completing goals within the game. When you acquire a badge a notification will be displayed in the game lobby. Once a badge has been earned you will be able to display the badge in various areas of the game.


Badges are another way you can win prizes. As you earn badges, your kill marks will change to reflect the types of kills and the rank of badge you have on your account. And as you earn more badges the rewards will get better.


To access your badges you can go to your Character profile, or the Mission window and click the 'Bagde' button.


The different classes of badges are:

There is also a special class of badges called Elite. These are earned when you have achieved one of each level of the class badges.


Badge progress is tracked in the Badge information window so you can follow along with your soldiers progress and display your badges when you earn them!


So get ready soldiers to prove your skills on the battlefield!

Stay tuned to the Cross Fire website for more details of the upcoming patch!


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