/\/Must Read\/\

tl;dr ? Scroll down to the "Current Question" part.

☼ Note ☼

This is simply a question, nothing is in the works as of now.
If by any chance people think that it's worth giving a try and that people are willing to participate, we will do our best to make this happen.

☼ Intro ☼

Alright so after a few months of getting shot through walls by Mexicans, Turks and so on, we have decided that it was about time some one actually tried bringing a "competitive aspect" to the game mode.

Many people have attempted this and as u guessed it, all of them have failled.

Don't get me wrong, this has nothing to do with a new league or what ever you would want to call it, it is a simply attempt at making the GhostMode community a little more interesting and hopefully to bring in some new members.

☼ Little Sumthin Sumthin ☼

I know most of you people have no interest in the mode and could care less if it was removed from the game.

Simply ignore this thread if you are this close minded.

☼ Future Plans ☼

With the help of the community, we would love to bring you Ghost Pugs, Tournaments and one day start our own little "echo 8".

☼ The Current Question ☼

Directed to all crossfire players, "GMers", SnD players, TDM players and Mutation Mode players alike.

What we want to know is pretty simple.

If events we're well managed, that the staff was carefully picked, would you support us ?

Quick note, Supporting has nothing to do with participating.

Leave your thoughts, trolls and comments.

