User Optimized Dedicated Bandwidth to Crossfire

Raise Dedicated Bandwidth to Crossfire

What is Bandwidth?: Bandwidth allocation is reference to the computing industry, in scenarios such as allocating bandwidth to a web site running on a server, or allocating bandwidth to a computer on a network. Allocations in computing are often administered/enforced by terminating or temporarily suspending access once the allocated bandwidth has been utilized. Setting it to high increases download speed and the connectivity of other devices on the network.

What would Increasing Bandwidth do?: "High increases download speed and the connectivity" (In other words, Better Ping/Reg)

How could this be Implemented?: I made a prototype :D


How does it work?: Well if it hasn't been made clear to some of you yet (Ooh.gif) You slide the ticker to your preferred bandwith (Most commonly advertised by your isp before you purchase.)

What Is the Stability Bar Doohickey?: It tells you If the speed you selected is "stable" and won't over do it. If this does come up you could simply lower it till it does regain stability.

Hope you all Like it :D Thought It might help with lag & peoples ping shooting up after patches & such :)

Thx For Reading.

Yea Ik I like colors too much xD



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