Bobby's reaction

ENOUGH! We all have our opinions, statements and interests. Although others may not agree with what we say, do or see we must be courteous. Both parties are aware that what had went down may not have been a moral trail, it was a strategy. Strategy wins, despite how it's long as we're ALL following the rules; NOBODY broke the rules...LPK came to win, and they weren't stopping until they reached that point. Whether you feel it's right, wrong, red or blue, they deserve their acknowledgment.

Due to the fact the community insists on flaming, harassing and general trolling, ALL LPK threads will be closed until the formal congratulation announcement. Further opening anymore threads will be open for terms of deletion.

So it's okay for them to abuse loopholes in the rules, twice, in a row, to beat two teams that were better then them (even though one was hacking)?

Must be nice to have such high stakes ran by such a broken league. Gratz LPK on being the best abusers in the game.

How much of the prize money is LPK paying you to ride their ****s and do what they want, when they want? Must be cool to be corrupt. I can do that too.

P.S. Bobby, you can't delete my post here, nice try.
P.S.S. Maybe I should release how to bypass the bans/stealth detection of Scrimspot, or maybe even how to fake out the AC and use hacks on client? Fun stuff, your higher ups know I can do this. (Only in the interest of fairness, of course, since CNS knows how to do it.)


  • You talk about ethics and professionalism, but at the same time you talk about releasing anticheat bypasses. Don't attack wogl, attack me. It was my decision both times.

    West Coast Server and the switch from Santoria. The map change rule seems normal to me. A lot of leagues in bo3 format don't have the maps set in stone anyways. It is up for the teams to prepare for everything.
  • Archybot wrote: »
    So it's okay for them to abuse loopholes in the rules, twice, in a row, to beat two teams that were better then them (even though one was hacking)?

    Must be nice to have such high stakes ran by such a broken league. Gratz LPK on being the best abusers in the game.

    How much of the prize money is LPK paying you to ride their ****s and do what they want, when they want? Must be cool to be corrupt. I can do that too.

    P.S. Bobby, you can't delete my post here, nice try.
    P.S.S. Maybe I should release how to bypass the bans/stealth detection of Scrimspot, or maybe even how to fake out the AC and use hacks on client? Fun stuff, your higher ups know I can do this. (Only in the interest of fairness, of course, since CNS knows how to do it.)

    Honestly Ceyhan has been around longer than most players here. If you don't have prepared strats set up already for it, then you deserved to have lost. I know personally that they have scrimmed that map tons of times by now. Part of being a top-tier player is the ability to adjust in a timely manner.

    I would not have blamed the map for the loss, especially when they decided to use malte[gr] on the UK Server. It's a simple trade-off.
  • ZOOMishere wrote: »
    Honestly Ceyhan has been around longer than most players here. If you don't have prepared strats set up already for it, then you deserved to have lost. I know personally that they have scrimmed that map tons of times by now. Part of being a top-tier player is the ability to adjust in a timely manner.

    I would not have blamed the map for the loss, especially when they decided to use malte[gr] on the UK Server. It's a simple trade-off.

    I agree. When we played LifeLine in WOGL one of the maps was Ceyhan. They played it, they know it. They got outplayed it happens. GG none the less.
  • i dont get why is this kid getting so mad about lifeline losing..
  • Your all losers for caring so much, Wogl is fail.
  • Archybot wrote: »
    or maybe even how to fake out the AC and use hacks on client

    If you can do this, why were you WOGL banned?
  • Only people who have the right to complain are those involved. LL chose their trick and we chose ours. They won their map because of it and we won ours because of it. The fact of the matter is we still beat them on the map that was 1st released and only one that was set in stone, CASTLE.
  • popeyy wrote: »
    i dont get why is this kid getting so mad about lifeline losing..

    You should hop off LPK bud.

    and I agree with whoever said WOGL is fail.
  • 0zz wrote: »
    Only people who have the right to complain are those involved. LL chose their trick and we chose ours. They won their map because of it and we won ours because of it. The fact of the matter is we still beat them on the map that was 1st released and only one that was set in stone, CASTLE.

    Since when is choosing a server where one of your starting players can play a trick? God you're dumb. Also why would we practice castle as much when we practiced santoria for a solid 2 days and were ready to finish it in 2 maps. First mrn tries to come on here with an excuse that you guys weren't trying to trick anyone and that it was a clean move. Then you and doop come on and say it was a dirty move you made to get the upper hand. Great team we have representing our version of crossfire. Who remembers when doop and oz were tastylimes caliber trolls?
  • Sizzauce wrote: »
    If you can do this, why were you WOGL banned?

    I had a huge post, but I think it's been deleted. Since it's been deleted i believe, I'll make a tldr for you:

    Got banned for an Anti Cheat for another game and a supposed Cheat Engine installer (not program, installer), while I was an admin of WOGL. :) So hey, I know more about the anti cheat then you ever will.
    Who remembers when doop and oz were tastylimes caliber trolls?

    You mean 2 days ago? I wouldn't call them really good trolls however.
  • Archybot wrote: »
    Got banned for an Anti Cheat for another game and a supposed Cheat Engine installer (not program, installer), while I was an admin of WOGL. :) So hey, I know more about the anti cheat then you ever will.

    Another fail ban.

    I got banned for an injector that can apparently inject CF cheats, but they have no proof I tried to inject anything while on ScrimSpot, nor do they have any proof that I used it for CF in general.
  • Archybot wrote: »

    You mean 2 days ago? I wouldn't call them really good trolls however.

    no he means back when we ran sh!t in area 51, before your time scrub. We were the best back then and we're still the best today as proven in this league.

    @ control:You lost, sorry you were unprepared for the 3rd map, your own fault. We changed the map around 4am saturday, that gave you all of saturday AND sunday to practice it, two entire days, the same amount of time you allegedly put into santoria.

    we used sunday to practice castle, you didn't, way to not be dedicated.

    Better luck next time <3 ya babe.
  • ZOOMishere wrote: »
    Honestly Ceyhan has been around longer than most players here. If you don't have prepared strats set up already for it, then you deserved to have lost. I know personally that they have scrimmed that map tons of times by now. Part of being a top-tier player is the ability to adjust in a timely manner.

    I would not have blamed the map for the loss, especially when they decided to use malte[gr] on the UK Server. It's a simple trade-off.

    Did you know that there have been two different Ceyhans? I doubt it, but it's just a remake. I still think they should re-release the old version, just call the current one 'Renovated Ceyhan'. lol :D
  • 0zz wrote: »
    no he means back when we ran sh!t in area 51, before your time scrub. We were the best back then and we're still the best today as proven in this league.

    @ control:You lost, sorry you were unprepared for the 3rd map, your own fault. We changed the map around 4am saturday, that gave you all of saturday AND sunday to practice it, two entire days, the same amount of time you allegedly put into santoria.

    we used sunday to practice castle, you didn't, way to not be dedicated.

    Better luck next time <3 ya babe.

    You think we have wogl forums on auto refresh after we BOTH CHOSE maps? The map selection was done. I got on just to check if you guys had any last minute questions or anything (that was around 11-12 on saturday). Once we found out it was ceyhan, we had only sunday to practice that map and go over setups we would use with the players we had. So we didn't have any time to practice castle as we had to use it going over ceyhan. Your also talking like we got a notification that you changed the map. No, it was a forum post after everything had already been decided map wise. Luckily i logged on and checked it.

    Why are you trying to come off as if what you did is somewhat standard and expected. ffs you changed the map you chose and confirmed the morning before the match. We saw that almost a day later. You did what you had to do to win, i get that. But don't gloat about the fact that you exploited the rules to the point where it gave you an advantage in you're two biggest matches throughout the league.
  • ShowNoHope wrote: »
    Did you know that there have been two different Ceyhans? I doubt it, but it's just a remake. I still think they should re-release the old version, just call the current one 'Renovated Ceyhan'. lol :D

    This is the old one.

    Look, don't talk if you don't know anything.

    Ceyhan1 was during Closed Beta Testing.

    Ceyhan 2 was during Open Beta Testing.

    Ceyhan 1 is the current one. They reverted back.
  • ZOOMishere wrote: »
    Honestly Ceyhan has been around longer than most players here. If you don't have prepared strats set up already for it, then you deserved to have lost. I know personally that they have scrimmed that map tons of times by now. Part of being a top-tier player is the ability to adjust in a timely manner.

    I would not have blamed the map for the loss, especially when they decided to use malte[gr] on the UK Server. It's a simple trade-off.

    ^ what he said, but more capitals.
  • Denxi wrote: »
    This is the old one.

    Look, don't talk if you don't know anything.

    Ceyhan1 was during Closed Beta Testing.

    Ceyhan 2 was during Open Beta Testing.

    Ceyhan 1 is the current one. They reverted back.

    someone who knows something...finally.
  • LifeLine knows and has played competitively numerous times in Ceyhan. This time, they were just out played.
  • c0ntroLL wrote: »
    Since when is choosing a server where one of your starting players can play a trick? God you're dumb. Also why would we practice castle as much when we practiced santoria for a solid 2 days and were ready to finish it in 2 maps. First mrn tries to come on here with an excuse that you guys weren't trying to trick anyone and that it was a clean move. Then you and doop come on and say it was a dirty move you made to get the upper hand. Great team we have representing our version of crossfire. Who remembers when doop and oz were tastylimes caliber trolls?

    Would be kinda nice to know that our main awper will be pinging nearly 300 more than 3 minutes before the match. Considering every strat revolves almost solely around MRN. You and your team can go **** themselves. There's a reason why I left LifeLine to make LPK. You just aren't good enough. You pulled something similar vs SNSD last week, so it is just ironic that you are upset about it now.

    The fact that you are dumb enough to not practice the tiebreaker map shows that you don't deserve to win. You were home team. You knew what map you were going to pick or at least discussed it. Our original pick was going to be Santoria, because it plays very similar to some source maps so we feel comfortable on it. It is also very rarely played so we felt we had a huge advantage there (Similar thinking to SNSD choosing DesertStorm). When we weren't able to get on Friday night I decided I was going to change our pick to Ceyhan. One of our better maps behind port, which you guys eliminated cause you were scared. I find it funny that we had to eliminate maps we didn't want to get cheesed on for under practicing, whereas you eliminated a map because you are just scared. Port is one of the more competitive maps and the fact that you are scared to play it in a match is a joke.

    Castle was announced Monday. If you were a half decent team you would of been practicing that map and your pick until you knew our choice. Then once you knew our choice you would of worked that map into your practice schedules, and from talking to someone you guys did. Oh NOES!!! The map is changed, and we have 2 days to practice it. Heaven forbid we have to make a few sacrifices to win a finals match. Maybe you should have your mommy do the scheduling and check match comms for you. You had nearly 36 hours to practice ceyhan.

    Guess how we practiced ceyhan, I text messaged sype with ideas and gauged his responses, then we got 1 scrim vs sensasian. Guess how we practiced castle, we ran around the map and got 2 scrims vs a pug on the map Sunday 2 hours before the match.

    But hey, you could of played your half of castle in UK and have your lord and savior Malte 4K!!! But you chose to stay in Echo where MRN said "WSUP SWEDE I DON'T PING 300". Just to show how much of a joke your team is, we choose to spend nearly 2 hours of our practice Wed or Thursday doing an interview with WOGL.

    I got to leave for class in a minute or so, but I will just leave 1 final note. When malte messaged me about the WEM event and a "free" trip to china if I played with lifeline, you know what I did. I sent Sype, Kie, and 0z a message about a "free" trip to china. Enough said.
  • SirHi wrote: »
    LifeLine knows and has played competitively numerous times in Ceyhan. This time, they were just out played.

    There's a difference between "playing" a map and preparing for a finals match against a good team. We have played Ceyhan with numerous different line ups of players playing in different spots and doing different things. Preparing for a match NEEDS practice, especially against a good team. You don't rely on the fact that you have "PLAYED" the map before.
  • doop51 wrote: »
    Would be kinda nice to know that our main awper will be pinging nearly 300 more than 3 minutes before the match. Considering every strat revolves almost solely around MRN. You and your team can go **** themselves. There's a reason why I left LifeLine to make LPK. You just aren't good enough. You pulled something similar vs SNSD last week, so it is just ironic that you are upset about it now.

    The fact that you are dumb enough to not practice the tiebreaker map shows that you don't deserve to win. You were home team. You knew what map you were going to pick or at least discussed it. Our original pick was going to be Santoria, because it plays very similar to some source maps so we feel comfortable on it. It is also very rarely played so we felt we had a huge advantage there (Similar thinking to SNSD choosing DesertStorm). When we weren't able to get on Friday night I decided I was going to change our pick to Ceyhan. One of our better maps behind port, which you guys eliminated cause you were scared. I find it funny that we had to eliminate maps we didn't want to get cheesed on for under practicing, whereas you eliminated a map because you are just scared. Port is one of the more competitive maps and the fact that you are scared to play it in a match is a joke.

    Castle was announced Monday. If you were a half decent team you would of been practicing that map and your pick until you knew our choice. Then once you knew our choice you would of worked that map into your practice schedules, and from talking to someone you guys did. Oh NOES!!! The map is changed, and we have 2 days to practice it. Heaven forbid we have to make a few sacrifices to win a finals match. Maybe you should have your mommy do the scheduling and check match comms for you. You had nearly 36 hours to practice ceyhan.

    Guess how we practiced ceyhan, I text messaged sype with ideas and gauged his responses, then we got 1 scrim vs sensasian. Guess how we practiced castle, we ran around the map and got 2 scrims vs a pug on the map Sunday 2 hours before the match.

    But hey, you could of played your half of castle in UK and have your lord and savior Malte 4K!!! But you chose to stay in Echo where MRN said "WSUP SWEDE I DON'T PING 300". Just to show how much of a joke your team is, we choose to spend nearly 2 hours of our practice Wed or Thursday doing an interview with WOGL.

    I got to leave for class in a minute or so, but I will just leave 1 final note. When malte messaged me about the WEM event and a "free" trip to china if I played with lifeline, you know what I did. I sent Sype, Kie, and 0z a message about a "free" trip to china. Enough said.

    This, and the FACT that LifeLine had a chance to bring back malte, in the second map, Ceyhan. I distinctly remember the shoutcaster saying, "So is LifeLine going to switch over to UK server?" Also, during the halftime break in between the Ceyhan map, LifeLine members clearly said that they were staying in Echo 8.

    Also, not practicing a tie breaking match is just dumb. The "what if's" could always turn into "we should have".
  • doop51 wrote: »
    Would be kinda nice to know that our main awper will be pinging nearly 300 more than 3 minutes before the match. Considering every strat revolves almost solely around MRN. You and your team can go **** themselves. There's a reason why I left LifeLine to make LPK. You just aren't good enough. You pulled something similar vs SNSD last week, so it is just ironic that you are upset about it now.

    The fact that you are dumb enough to not practice the tiebreaker map shows that you don't deserve to win. You were home team. You knew what map you were going to pick or at least discussed it. Our original pick was going to be Santoria, because it plays very similar to some source maps so we feel comfortable on it. It is also very rarely played so we felt we had a huge advantage there (Similar thinking to SNSD choosing DesertStorm). When we weren't able to get on Friday night I decided I was going to change our pick to Ceyhan. One of our better maps behind port, which you guys eliminated cause you were scared. I find it funny that we had to eliminate maps we didn't want to get cheesed on for under practicing, whereas you eliminated a map because you are just scared. Port is one of the more competitive maps and the fact that you are scared to play it in a match is a joke.

    Castle was announced Monday. If you were a half decent team you would of been practicing that map and your pick until you knew our choice. Then once you knew our choice you would of worked that map into your practice schedules, and from talking to someone you guys did. Oh NOES!!! The map is changed, and we have 2 days to practice it. Heaven forbid we have to make a few sacrifices to win a finals match. Maybe you should have your mommy do the scheduling and check match comms for you. You had nearly 36 hours to practice ceyhan.

    Guess how we practiced ceyhan, I text messaged sype with ideas and gauged his responses, then we got 1 scrim vs sensasian. Guess how we practiced castle, we ran around the map and got 2 scrims vs a pug on the map Sunday 2 hours before the match.

    But hey, you could of played your half of castle in UK and have your lord and savior Malte 4K!!! But you chose to stay in Echo where MRN said "WSUP SWEDE I DON'T PING 300". Just to show how much of a joke your team is, we choose to spend nearly 2 hours of our practice Wed or Thursday doing an interview with WOGL.

    I got to leave for class in a minute or so, but I will just leave 1 final note. When malte messaged me about the WEM event and a "free" trip to china if I played with lifeline, you know what I did. I sent Sype, Kie, and 0z a message about a "free" trip to china. Enough said.

    Again, why can't you get it through your thick head that a team that has confirmed maps has no reason to check MATCH comms. so you're statement about practice is all wrong. 36 hours wasn't the case you moron. We saw it early Sunday morning. And had to practice it Sunday afternoon for a little while. Not giving us time to practice castle. We were practicing Santoria all week as that was the map you chose.

    BY the way, malte couldn't play castle even if he wanted to (doesn't know the map) because he left the lan center after black widow. Yeah lan centers tend to close at 2-3 am in the morning over there at least.
  • SirHi wrote: »
    This, and the FACT that LifeLine had a chance to bring back malte, in the second map, Ceyhan. I distinctly remember the shoutcaster saying, "So is LifeLine going to switch over to UK server?" Also, during the halftime break in between the Ceyhan map, LifeLine members clearly said that they were staying in Echo 8.

    Also, not practicing a tie breaking match is just dumb. The "what if's" could always turn into "we should have".

    Malte left the lan center after the bw match. Lan center was closing. Don't talk like you have any idea what you're talking about.
  • SirHi wrote: »
    This, and the FACT that LifeLine had a chance to bring back malte, in the second map, Ceyhan. I distinctly remember the shoutcaster saying, "So is LifeLine going to switch over to UK server?" Also, during the halftime break in between the Ceyhan map, LifeLine members clearly said that they were staying in Echo 8.

    Also, not practicing a tie breaking match is just dumb. The "what if's" could always turn into "we should have".

    if you tell 5 certain players to be on at a certain time and play a certain position on that map and then you switch the map right before the match the positions get messed up. mickeyes was forced to rifle although he is a way better sniper and it was just unfortunate that he couldn't get a frag. nevertheless changing the server doesn't come close to changing the map at all. the only reason why they played on the uk was for malte and everyone besides mrn had a pretty equivalent ping.

    it was truly a bs move by LPK but you cannot do anything about it now. they are going to china; whether they catch malaria or win the WEM event doesn't really matter but LL is going to be back next season with their s5 ready. they would honestly rofl-stomp LPK in ceyhan if he played.

    with all that aside LL could have possibly taken the cehyan map if they didn't swap phubez for mickeyes. he was sick(at least what roth told me :/) and said he was fine to play but w/e it's a team game and sometimes you have to trust your teammates.

    it was poor sportsmanship but did not break the rules.
  • doop51 wrote: »
    Would be kinda nice to know that our main awper will be pinging nearly 300 more than 3 minutes before the match. Considering every strat revolves almost solely around MRN. You and your team can go **** themselves. There's a reason why I left LifeLine to make LPK. You just aren't good enough. You pulled something similar vs SNSD last week, so it is just ironic that you are upset about it now.

    The fact that you are dumb enough to not practice the tiebreaker map shows that you don't deserve to win. You were home team. You knew what map you were going to pick or at least discussed it. Our original pick was going to be Santoria, because it plays very similar to some source maps so we feel comfortable on it. It is also very rarely played so we felt we had a huge advantage there (Similar thinking to SNSD choosing DesertStorm). When we weren't able to get on Friday night I decided I was going to change our pick to Ceyhan. One of our better maps behind port, which you guys eliminated cause you were scared. I find it funny that we had to eliminate maps we didn't want to get cheesed on for under practicing, whereas you eliminated a map because you are just scared. Port is one of the more competitive maps and the fact that you are scared to play it in a match is a joke.

    Castle was announced Monday. If you were a half decent team you would of been practicing that map and your pick until you knew our choice. Then once you knew our choice you would of worked that map into your practice schedules, and from talking to someone you guys did. Oh NOES!!! The map is changed, and we have 2 days to practice it. Heaven forbid we have to make a few sacrifices to win a finals match. Maybe you should have your mommy do the scheduling and check match comms for you. You had nearly 36 hours to practice ceyhan.

    Guess how we practiced ceyhan, I text messaged sype with ideas and gauged his responses, then we got 1 scrim vs sensasian. Guess how we practiced castle, we ran around the map and got 2 scrims vs a pug on the map Sunday 2 hours before the match.

    But hey, you could of played your half of castle in UK and have your lord and savior Malte 4K!!! But you chose to stay in Echo where MRN said "WSUP SWEDE I DON'T PING 300". Just to show how much of a joke your team is, we choose to spend nearly 2 hours of our practice Wed or Thursday doing an interview with WOGL.

    I got to leave for class in a minute or so, but I will just leave 1 final note. When malte messaged me about the WEM event and a "free" trip to china if I played with lifeline, you know what I did. I sent Sype, Kie, and 0z a message about a "free" trip to china. Enough said.

    Couldn't have said it ANY better. Took every word out of my mouth. Every strat we have on BW runs off me and my AWM. Was frustrating finding out we had to change almost our ENTIRE GR & BL setups because we would not do what we practiced. You guys deliberately did not tell us you were playing on a UK server and practiced all week on UK servers to get used to it, or so Malte said. Yes you didn't break any rules, yes it was your decision but your whole team KNEW it would give you the upper hand without a doubt.
    c0ntroLL wrote: »
    There's a difference between "playing" a map and preparing for a finals match against a good team. We have played Ceyhan with numerous different line ups of players playing in different spots and doing different things. Preparing for a match NEEDS practice, especially against a good team. You don't rely on the fact that you have "PLAYED" the map before.

    It's not our fault we have a consistent 5 and don't run an 8man roster like you. Your saying its our fault that you guys played on Ceyhan with 4-5 different line-ups...get real. And a side note, EVERY team Captain should CONSTANTLY check the Match Comms, especially in finals. That is your own fault.
  • c0ntroLL wrote: »
    Malte left the lan center after the bw match. Lan center was closing. Don't talk like you have any idea what you're talking about.

    Okay, I was unaware, my mistake.
  • MyAWM wrote: »
    if you tell 5 certain players to be on at a certain time and play a certain position on that map and then you switch the map right before the match the positions get messed up. mickeyes was forced to rifle although he is a way better sniper and it was just unfortunate that he couldn't get a frag. nevertheless changing the server doesn't come close to changing the map at all. the only reason why they played on the uk was for malte and everyone besides mrn had a pretty equivalent ping.

    it was truly a bs move by LPK but you cannot do anything about it now. they are going to china; whether they catch malaria or win the WEM event doesn't really matter but LL is going to be back next season with their s5 ready. they would honestly rofl-stomp LPK in ceyhan if he played.

    with all that aside LL could have possibly taken the cehyan map if they didn't swap phubez for mickeyes. he was sick(at least what roth told me :/) and said he was fine to play but w/e it's a team game and sometimes you have to trust your teammates.

    it was poor sportsmanship but did not break the rules.

    yeah what's done is done. It was the first season of wogl and now its over. People want to talk like they know the situation, they can. People want to gloat; they can.

    LifeLine had problems all through out the season with the roster and it was a great accomplishment to make it to the finals nevertheless become close to winning. Best thing to do is look forward.
This discussion has been closed.