Looking to join the funniest clan out there?
DeathWishEG wrote: »
See Post. -_-' -
DeathWishEG wrote: »
Dude stop posting that shiz on every thread, you know you're bad and trash . -
SocialRebelCYM wrote: »All you need is to be fun, active, willing to scrim, willing to get ventrilo if not only to listen in (it's very funny, my Scottish accent is great, Trigz's "I'm Aled Jones it's all gone wrong with me" Welsh accent is great, RebelSwifty is great, Remedy's raging in his amazing English accent is epic. Literally.) You will not find better quality humour on this game, and if you want to enjoy the game (after all that's what it's for..) then you know where to come.
We're multi-national. We even have a member from mauritius, possibly the laggiest player on CF, but he's funny so it's all good xD I myself, am from Wales.We're quite a well-known clan, with a great reputation. Ranked 487 today, but that's going up. Considering it's the summer holidays, we're very active, so watch that rank shoot up some more
Yes we have alot of members, if you think a friendly atmosphere is lost in big clans, we have it here. We've had people laughing so hard they can't aim straight
We play at a comically good level, beat X-italia today, epic moment where we got bored so all rushed mid and one of there guys got a 4 nade kill streak(6 Vs 6 SnD Factory) I thought too late to get a screeny, sorry.
By now you're probably bored of reading so I'll just give you the link to apply.
Vent. info. is in clan messages, we cw in both servers.
Thanks for reading,
regards, SocialRebel, Leader of TheRebellion.
P.S: To Anybody wanting to say "Fail clan don't join."
1) When's your 10th birthday?
2) We don't care, at least we're enjoying the game.
3) Yes Trigz lags but leave him alone.
4) You should have stopped reading ages ago. kthxbai.
SPOP Team. -
SPOP Team.Want to join my clan?I will put you lieutenant.
Did not I told you to stop posting?SocialRebelCYM wrote: »*Not contesting with the Trinity thread for bumps*
Bump. O.o
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