Zero/N2O-/[cVo]sX/wh1te0ut- Quitting CF.

Well after 1 year and 3 months of crossfire I'm done.

Fun ride, ups, downs, good teams, and bad.

Most notable clans were Chamboots! HalcYon and cVo. Loved all the guys that stuck with me for the past 6-7 months; Steve, Brandon, Kris, Matt, Killian, Ashley. I couldn't have played with a better bunch.

I had my fun on the forums, did my trolling, got banned. My favorite forum moment was when called me (wh1te0ut-) a randy, ^__^

Had my good games and my bad in scrims, pubs and pugs. Topped, bottomed, got called a cheater by Jay and asked to growler every scrim :p

Moving on to PS3, this game just doesn't hold my interest any longer. Might be back in a couple years if it's still around to finish what Kris and I started.


