NinjaTurtles Recurting

Tryouts are being held also if your good you dont need to try out. 35 member clan max. Ventrilo is provided. Family like clan and a good SND scrim clan. Fun and serious when to be. Came From some good clans to make this and we going to keep going strong.

Little about myself,
Ive been in alot of clans and learned alot from the leaders both positive and negative things. I know how to run a clan from learning from Vapor from synical. lumic from Precision. Many more.. and are looking to build a strong 35 man clan. Im funny and a nice leader but if you direspect me or any other member theres gonna be problems[ gonna get kicked]. Also I hate DRAMA thats what alot of clans had. Yes i did some drama but not in this clan.

Clan We are all mature and have been playing for awhile with eachother. Two people in the clan have been playing with me since day 1. We all treat eachother with respect and like to joke with eachother. I think are youngest it 16?

Heres the link to the clan
DeadWeight Leader Of NinjaTurtles
Xfire: BillyStanish
Vent: pm me for vent

Thank you
