Blame it or Proxcuse LFC

i am LFC still
Age: 15
Mature: yes
Hybrid good M4 and a good awm user
Have been in many good clans
looking for a good scrim clan
Knows when do have fun
have played CSS,COD,JO and i played this game since...4 weeks after it was released
can hold a position.. calls it out and doesnt SCREAM "A SITE A SITE."
Follows strats.... and willl Call if needed
KDR 1.85
Ping 56
FPS:like 75 (getting a new Comp for my B-day)
Only S&D clans plz
Very active i prolly be on 4 hours+ a DAY ( i know im a nerd)
From USA
My IGN and xfire in SIG
Bag 1 AWM / Deagle camo
Bag 2 M4 / deagle
Bag 3 m4 custom / deagle
Bag 4 K2 / p228
i Do not clan hop i just look for the right clan and i go for atleast 4 weeks
