What BM gun should I get?

I am considering getting one of these guns...



Deagle Scope

Deagle Camo

Which one should I get

BTW im not really into pistol matches.....so I usually use my primary gun....But if I would have a cool pistol like the deagle scope then obviously I would use it more often....


  • LOL!
    You're not guarenteed to get ANY of these guns.
    Except the kriss or the PSG, If you got avout 100k ZP for the coupons ^^
    I've spent over 150k ZP and 500k GP on the BM and won NOTHING permanent.
    The only thing i've got out of it are: M4-s and AK-s for all the ZP i buoght, and a perm AXE and a m4-c for coupons.
    I'd advise you to spend ur zp on gp. That was you can just buy all the GP guns ur good with :)
  • NickSinner wrote: »
    You're not guarenteed to get ANY of these guns.
    Except the kriss or the PSG, If you got avout 100k ZP for the coupons ^^
    I've spent over 150k ZP and 500k GP on the BM and won NOTHING permanent.
    The only thing i've got out of it are: M4-s and AK-s for all the ZP i buoght, and a perm AXE and a m4-c for coupons.
    I'd advise you to spend ur zp on gp. That was you can just buy all the GP guns ur good with :)

    thats cuz you fail dude.. lmfao in zp crates in 100k zp i got my red dragon awm...ak camo perm.....deag-c....anaconda-a....best thing to do it probably get a kriss..cuz its an automatic.. unless you like sniping then get the sniper... i wouldnt recomend
    getting a deagle..its kinda pointless.. just buy a normal deag from item shop
  • I WON 2 Kriss in 50kzp . WAT THE ? 15KZP AND WON AK SCOPE , WAT THE ?

    M4C In coupons and AWM CAMO too .

    Now I have 81 coupons, don't know what to do , I am considering to get DEAGLE CAMO ,but that would waste of Crates for a GP CRATES GUN . bull I spend over half of mILLION gp and no D.CAMO . BULL !
  • I got all of my ZP guns via black market, and spent a few of my coupons on a perma axe. The M4C and Deagle Camo are a nice camo.
    Just take your chances and spend it wisely, not all at once. Try getting 10 boxes of two different ZP guns and use the GP to buy extra stuff, crates, breath down, ect.
    Then use coupons at the end of it all to buy whatever you want.
  • ZinoRock wrote: »
    I WON 2 Kriss in 50kzp . WAT THE ? 15KZP AND WON AK SCOPE , WAT THE ?

    M4C In coupons and AWM CAMO too .

    Now I have 81 coupons, don't know what to do , I am considering to get DEAGLE CAMO ,but that would waste of Crates for a GP CRATES GUN . bull I spend over half of mILLION gp and no D.CAMO . BULL !

    I still wouldn't recommend you getting a D.E-C with coupons. Just keep trying - your luck may change.
  • m4-c or ak scope...

    kriss isnt worth it. most ppl who get it barley use it after the 1st week.

    and technically, half a mil on deagle camo is about $50. so to all the ppl who says its not worth getting an "gp gun" for coupons, it is, depending on how much you need/want it and how much use you will put into it.

    cause deagle camo>scope, in an competitive match the other team wouldnt even give you the time to scope in on them(or else you'll die) and the faster reload helps a lot more in scrims. and because there is ppl who spend 1 mil trying to get gp crate items and fail.