Toveri picking up beasts for WOGL



  • k i joined cvo and left a few days after.

    you've already been on 10 teams, all bad one's to say the least. you tried to get on a good team and got booted for obvious reasons, you responded by crying on the forums. me on the other hand could care less about having a team, that's why I haven't responded to any of my private messages simply because I don't take this game serious enough to actually be on a team.

    honestly tho, arguing with you is pointless seeing as how you never ever accomplished anything worthy in gaming. this is probably because the only game you play is crossfire.

    you'd be surprised about what teams have been asking me to play with them for wogl. you on the other hand has never gotten asked because most people know you play horribly.

    i was asked by h1n1 to be their strat caller and main sniper even though i don't really snipe lol(i left considering half of the people i played with didn't listen to the strats). i have been in two top teams in warrock; Team Chicken & AMPT(2-3 years ago when warrock was the best f2p game). i was on a top team in combat arms like 2 years ago(forgot the name of clan but the leader was kryptical)

    i don't take gaming seriously in general. i don't pay a penny for any game i have ever played; that's why i only play f2p... and yes i can afford it but i'm not spoiled.

    you do realize that cvo was carried by alt accounts and you got cut from an alt clan. i lol. get good

    @treni... you're hot but get knifed too much in wogl drafts :P
    @lime's reply to treni... you're dumb. treni gets zp for free
  • MyAWM wrote: »
    i was asked by h1n1 to be their strat caller and main sniper even though i don't really snipe lol. i have been in two top teams in warrock; Team Chicken & AMPT. i was on a top team in combat arms like 2 years ago(forgot the name of clan but the leader was kryptical)

    i don't take gaming seriously in general. i don't pay a penny for any game i have ever played; that's why i only play f2p... and yes i can afford it but i'm not spoiled.

    you do realize that cvo was carried by alt accounts and you got cut from an alt clan. i lol. get good

    oh aren't you proud? h1n1 is garbage. you've also been on top warrock teams? bahahahahaha you are such a terribad. no one cares what warrock teams you've been on.
    you do realize that I wasn't cut from cvo, and even if i was it wouldn't matter because im better than all of them.

    @treni... you're hot but get knifed too much in wogl drafts :P
    @lime's reply to treni... you're dumb. treni gets zp for free

    oh aren't you proud? h1n1 is garbage. you've also been on top warrock teams? bahahahahaha you are such a terribad. no one cares what warrock teams you've been on nor what combat arms teams you've been on. you are a joke, don't tell me to get on your level when you've played nothing but horrible f2p games.

    you do realize that I wasn't cut from cvo, and even if i was it wouldn't matter because im better than all of them.
  • oh aren't you proud? h1n1 is garbage. you've also been on top warrock teams? bahahahahaha you are such a terribad. no one cares what warrock teams you've been on nor what combat arms teams you've been on. you are a joke, don't tell me to get on your level when you've played nothing but horrible f2p games.

    you do realize that I wasn't cut from cvo, and even if i was it wouldn't matter because im better than all of them.

    except you were cut. i would say it's a better accomplishment to be on a top warrock team than to get rolled at open isn't that right limes ;)

    and every team i've been in wouldn't offer you a position.

    please list all the clans that have asked you to join. i would like to see this; actually pm me them. this is fkin ridiculous. minty will probably make a new thread :/
  • MyAWM wrote: »
    except you were cut. i would say it's a better accomplishment to be on a top warrock team than to get rolled at open isn't that right limes ;)

    except you don't understand, and discussing that certain pointless and unnecessary situation with you is like having a conversation with a dog.

    warrock isn't an accomplishment. although me making enough money to buy your parent's house from lans I participated in would be considered an accomplishment.
  • except you don't understand, and discussing that certain pointless and unnecessary situation with you is like having a conversation with a dog.

    warrock isn't an accomplishment. although me making enough money to buy your parent's house from lans I participated in would be considered an accomplishment.

    so you've made 900k? ya ok i would be surprised if you made over 2k for your terrible performance. i'm way better than you so i can go to lan and win right now? hmm k lol
  • MyAWM wrote: »

    and every team i've been in wouldn't offer you a position.

    and every team you've been in was bad, so even if I was offered by them I wouldn't take it.
  • and every team you've been in was bad, so even if I was offered by them I wouldn't take it.

    you sound like that kid with progeria who thinks he excels at learning. do the world a favor and close your trash lid
  • MyAWM wrote: »
    you sound like that kid with progeria who thinks he excels at learning. do the world a favor and close your trash lid

    what's up with you calling everyone that beat you in an argument a kid that has progeria? your mentality assaults mean nothing to me seeing as how you haven't made any valid points whatsoever in your previous posts. between me and you, you'd be the one with the illness.

    see ya!
  • what's up with you calling everyone that beat you in an argument a kid that has progeria? you mentality assaults mean nothing to me seeing as how you haven't made any valid points whatsoever in your previous posts. between me and you, you'd be the one with the illness.

    see ya!

    your comebacks of "no you" are quite devastating. not creative enough to make up your own statements? pretty sure you getting cut from the only clan you've been in here since you came back not to mention it's an alt clan is a valid point.

    and i'm pretty sure most of this community would agree that compared to you, i'm god
  • MyAWM wrote: »
    your comebacks of "no you" are quite devastating. not creative enough to make up your own statements? pretty sure you getting cut from the only clan you've been in here since you came back not to mention it's an alt clan is a valid point.

    you're a broken record. I could make a clan, invite people and cut them for no reason, does that mean anything? it means something to someone with an illness who doesn't understand anything. how do you know I left in the first place? how do you know I wasn't on an alt the whole time roster riding all the good teams in this game? I don't see any "no you" comeback, get a cat scan please you might have progeria.

    your points are so useless and unnecessary. go play warrock.
  • you're a broken record. I could make a clan, invite people and cut them for no reason, does that mean anything? it means something to someone with an illness who doesn't understand anything. how do you know I left in the first place? how do you know I wasn't on an alt the whole time roster riding all the good teams in this game? I don't see any "no you" comeback, get a cat scan please you might have progeria.

    your points are so useless and unnecessary. go play warrock.

    wherever i choose to play i will always be above your level. i know cause to be on a good team you actually have to be good
  • MyAWM wrote: »
    wherever i choose to play i will always be above your level.


    what about you?

    top warrock and combat arm teams? not to mention horrible crossfrie teams. k cool you are terrible.
  • Fragapalooza

    what about you?

    top warrock and combat arm teams? not to mention horrible crossfrie teams. k cool you are terrible.

    i don't lan though cause it's a game after all. you can be making 2k a year in your lan while i'll be a pharmacist and still be better than you at the game you lan on
  • MyAWM wrote: »
    i don't lan though cause it's a game after all. you can be making 2k a year in your lan while i'll be a pharmacist and still be better than you at the game you lan on

    ok? who says I can't lan and have a career at the same time? I am only 17, and still have much schooling to do anyway, so there goes your point.

    2k a year? you being a pharmacist? man... you really make the stupidest assumptions. you won't be a pharmacist because you call everyone that's smarter and better than you " a kid who has progeria", not to mention I've made more than 2k from one lan.

  • ok? who says I can't lan and have a career at the same time? I am only 17, and still have much schooling to do anyway, so there goes your point.

    2k a year? you being a pharmacist? man... you really make the stupidest assumptions. you won't be a pharmacist because you call everyone that's smarter and better than you " a kid who has progeria", not to mention I've made more than 2k from one lan.


    that's cute except i get scholarships for my grades which cover more than your lan payouts.
  • The argument went from who's better to who's making more money.

  • MyAWM wrote: »
    that's cute except i get scholarships for my grades which cover more than your lan payouts.

    that's a cute lie, even if it was true, good for you? lanning isn't a career, it's a hobby. why are you comparing a career to a hobby? you are trying to brag about something that won't happen, and even if it did.. it would be many years from now.

    this is why you don't have any scholarships.

    1. you are dumb
    2. you make useless points which make you come off as a kid who hasn't aged past 12
  • Ummah wrote: »
    The argument went from who's better to who's making more money.


    Yes because he has a damaged brain.
  • that's a cute lie, even if it was true, good for you? lanning isn't a career, it's a hobby. why are you comparing a career to a hobby? you are trying to brag about something that won't happen, and even if it did.. it would be many years from now.

    this is why you don't have any scholarships.

    1. you are dumb
    2. you make useless points which make you come off as a kid who hasn't aged past 12

    good for you too. i honestly don't care that you lan. i've seen you play in CF and you aren't good. you can think that all you want but in the end you will end up playing game by the age of 40. good day

    lanning is the point in which you are taking games too seriously. instead try participating in sports. ever heard of varsity teams? something you will never be a part of
  • although me making enough money to buy your parent's house from lans I participated in would be considered an accomplishment.

    i about fell out of my chair at this one
  • Fragapalooza

    what about you?

    you didn't even go to a single one of those lans, much less win them
  • not to mention I've made more than 2k from one lan.


    didn't know combat arms had lans, news to me
  • doop51 wrote: »
    didn't know combat arms had lans, news to me

    so tasty did come from combat arms? just checking
  • MyAWM wrote: »
    so tasty did come from combat arms? just checking

    how the **** should i know, but him listing off cs lans like hes actually played the game outside of pubs is comical
  • Welcome, TastyLimees.
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    so you have a secret admirer and hes sending you love letters
  • you'd be surprised about what teams have been asking me to play with them for wogl. you on the other hand have never gotten asked because most people know you play horribly.

    charon, phillipines, unionlatina, pubstarz?
  • you are a joke, don't tell me to get on your level when you've played nothing but horrible f2p games.

    are you talking into a mirror?
  • lol tasty you must have some serious self esteem issues if you have to completely lie about your video game history.