CGU is recruiting

CGU Is Recruiting !!!

What Is CGU !?!

CGU (Crimson Guards United) are a clan that has been around since 2003. We have
been established on many other games, and now We are on AVA.

How Do I Join !?!

Simply visit us on our ventrilo like our poster says. Once in we will tell you more about us.

Why Should I Join !?!

Here are some reasons

1. We have a very orginized community that has been around since 2003.
2. We have a ventrilo where all members can come and go as they please to meet other gamers.
3. I could say we have great people and a hell of alot more but, ill leave that up to you to decide.

Anything Else I Should Know !?!

Yes, such as we are apart of a bigger community which is called EGU (Evolutionary Gamers United).
It is made up of several different clans and guilds from all sorts of games out there.

Contact !?!

Host name:
Port: 4747


EGU FaceBook:!/profile.php?id=100001172072809
